In this assignment, I will discuss effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a Health and Social Care setting. In particular, I am going to discuss the various contexts, communication and communication and language needs and performance.…
P1 Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context.…
The ability to communicate does not entail simply spoken language (verbal communication) but also non-verbal communication, through body language. Squire (2007) states that when one is spoken to, more information is received from body language than from the actual words spoken, therefore only 10% of what is communicated is in the form of the words used whereas the rest comes from non-verbal communication (gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, physical contact etc...). For communication to be effective and successful one must…
P3 – Explain factors that may influence communication and interpersonal interactions in Health & Social Care environments.…
Factors that can enhance and inhibit communication Communication can be influenced either in a positive or negative way by variety of factors. An Individual using the service could be inhibited if the factors are not supportive. For example, if there was too much noise in an environment it could drown out a conversation. If positioning is correct and the environment is convenient then communication can be enhanced.…
| To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:…
Unit 4222-301 Promote communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings (SHC31)…
Individuals who have communication problems need support to enable them to express themselves effectively. It is therefore important for the carer to be aware of the individuals preferred method of communication and also to support the individual to use their preferred method. Individuals have the right to communicate through their chosen method and their choice should be acknowledged and respected by supporting them. The individual’s rights are particularly important when using specific communication methods and language because it’s their way of communicating their needs and preferences. Communication…
Hearing, sight or speech impairments can make communication very difficult, and can lead to children and young people becoming isolated and withdrawn, which in turn leads to frustration, anger and creates barriers to development and learning.…
Of the two theories I considered, the one of greatest relevance to practice was Argyle’s Theory. This theory was most relatable to experience and the logic of it made it understandable in terms of how it was applied in practice. There was nothing irrational about the way this theory worked, it was straightforward and accessible to a reader who wished to take a particular circumstance into consideration and apply the theory to it. In comparison, Tuckman’s theory was relatively vague and did not consider anything to do with how interaction took place outside of a group setting. The Communication Cycle of Argyle’s also made each stage of the process easier to consider and I could also think about how dependent each stage was on the latter or next, in terms of its potential outcome.…
Communication affects relationships in many different ways in the work setting. Relationships are important and relationships are built of trust and understanding between people makes it easier to get things done.…
Health and social care professionals need good communication skills to develop positive relationships and share information with people using services. They also need to be able to communicate well with people’s families and/or carers and their own colleagues and other professionals.…
There are many different ways to communicate directly, talking, sign language, pictures and body language service users with ABI’s need to have choices displayed in front of them so they can fully comprehend the decisions they are going to make.…
Assessment task- SHC 21 Introduction to communication in health, social care or children's and young people's setting…
Good communication and interpersonal interaction is vital in health and social care as the professionals need to have good communication with their colleagues but also the professionals and their patients need good communication so they can clearly understand each so the patient can receive the best possible care. Without good communication and interpersonal interaction there could be very serious outcomes, for example with the case of Victoria Climbie. She was being abused by her family and even though she visited her GP several times nobody noticed and because there was no communication she ended up dead. I think Multi-agency work could have saved Victoria’s life because if all the different services had come together they might have noticed something was wrong before it was too late. As a result of nobody noticing the health care services got blamed for a lot of what happened and this then caused the introduction of the children act 2004 which I think will save a lot of lives and make the lives of young children a lot better. In my opinion multi agency working is a very important form of communication in health and social care as it gives everyone a chance to come together and discuss ideas. This could also link to Tuckmans theory of communication where they first discuss ideas, then disagree and find common ground and they would have then worked effectively as a team to find a solution to whatever is being discussed.…