and our network of sites are changing the way that people learn together. However, we’re a small, sixteen-year-old company that’s run like a startup. We’ve never taken investments from outside parties and have been profitable since inception. All pressure at our office is self-imposed and we encourage a work hard/play hard environment. If you’re interested in working hard and growing with a self-directed team, working at just might be for you.

Working At StudyMode
The StudyMode office is the nicest office I’ve ever worked in. It’s perfect for a creative atmosphere for any designer that needs to be inspired everyday. I’ve learned so much from dev team members, project managers, and other designers. StudyMode is all about collaboration and team work. That being said within one year of working here I now have so many tools under my resumé belt.
I would highly recommend working for this company. You will learn so much and meet some really great people.
We strongly believe in taking care of everyone on our team. In addition to having a bureaucracy-free and self-directed work environment. Some of the benefits that we provide 100% premium coverage for medical/dental/vision insurance for you and your spouse / family. We allow flexible work hours and sympathy to LA traffic. You’ll also enjoy company-paid lunches on every Wednesday and Friday. Do you need to work from home on a Friday? No problem. We also have flexible work-from-home schedules.
We are always looking for new creative, hard-working, and talented people. Enjoy a comfortable environment and learn new skills by working for us here at StudyMode.