Q:1.1 Explain the importance of meeting an individual’s communication needs.
Individuals who have communication problems need support to enable them to express themselves effectively. It is therefore important for the carer to be aware of the individuals preferred method of communication and also to support the individual to use their preferred method. Individuals have the right to communicate through their chosen method and their choice should be acknowledged and respected by supporting them. The individual’s rights are particularly important when using specific communication methods and language because it’s their way of communicating their needs and preferences. Communication …show more content…
This means it is more difficult to consult them on what they want. This does not mean that they cannot be consulted at all however. It just means we have to be more creative to get people’s views. People’s views may not be directly available, the views and concepts we want can be difficult to grasp However you can find out whether someone’s experiences have been positive or negative and how someone has responded to an experience by being sensitive to the communication of the individual. The communication of someone who does not use formal language is usually around individual body language, vocalizations, facial expressions etc. You have to get to know the individual to find out what their ‘signs’ mean. For consultation purposes the evidence of how someone feels about a service must then be shared with those who are in a position to make changes. Somehow the experiences of individuals, and the groups they make up, must be recorded and communicated to others.
Q: 1.6 describe the potential effects on an individual of having unmet communication needs.
The potential effect of having unmet communication need would be the individual would get quite up set and frustrated that they couldn’t get their point across. This lack of recognition can be a barrier to effective participation. Lack of understanding can result in people's behavior being misunderstood. A person may be described as 'challenging' mood swings etc. They may become withdrawn