
The British Were Justified in Taxing Colonists

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The British Were Justified in Taxing Colonists
The British Had the Right to Tax

Prior to the Seven Years War, colonials had the upmost pride and respect for being British. After the war, the British, under new Prime Minister George Grenville, began to impose new taxes on the colonials. The British began to tax the Americans in order to regain money needed to pay back debts created during the war. This caused colonists to feel looked down upon, as if they were not seen as equal, which they were not. Another cause for the British to begin taxing was in order to pay and provide supplies for the British officials that were positioned in America protecting the colonists. The British had to tax in order to help provide the mother country and protect America. British government had deployed military officers across the thirteen colonies with the purpose of protecting the American colonists. Therefore, the colonists must pay a tax that goes towards the payment of officers. The colonists should be paying for their own protection. The British don’t have to provide the colonials with protection, it was a luxury provided to the colonials. Also, Americans desired to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains, yet the Proclamation of 1763 restricted them from doing so. The reason the proclamation was put into place was because the British government simply did not have the finances to support soldiers to go with the colonials and protect and assist them with the expansion. In order for Americans to settle past the Appalachians, the British needed a way to gain the money to do so. Thus, they applied these new taxes to come up with the money needed. The British taxed the American colonists in order to protect and help expand the colonies, which were all desired by the colonists. The British had the right to tax the colonists the profits from the tax money would, in the long run, go towards improving the colonies.

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