
revolutionary war and war of 1812

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revolutionary war and war of 1812
Revolutionary War and War of 1812 were fought between the United States and Great tBritain. The cause of the Revolutionary War was due to unfair taxation of the colonies by the British Parliament, and without the help from the French, the United States would not have won this war. The causes of the War of 1812 were due to the French involvement with Great Britain, which lead to trade embargoes in Europe. Also, impressment of U.S. seamen for the British army, freedom of the seas, British stirring up Indian trouble in the northwest of the U.S. were major factors as well. Although, both wars ultimately lead to victories for the United States. There were several events that led to the Revolutionary War between the American colonies and Great Britain. The British passed several policies to get colonies to help pay for their troops to defend the western frontier of America. Parliament also passed several Acts intended to increase revenue from the colonies. The Proclamation of 1763 was passed to reserve land west of the Appalachians for the Indians. In 1764, The Sugar Act put a three penny tax on each gallon of molasses entering the colonies outside Great Britain. The Quartering Act of 1765, intended to make the colonists house British troops. The Stamp Act was also passed to force the colonies to buy tax stamps placed on newspaper, diplomas, legal documents, etc. More and more colonists were crying out, no taxation without representation. They insisted that Britain had no right to tax them at all, since the colonists were unrepresented in the British government. Several colonial leaders convened in New York in what was known as the Stamp Act Congress to petition the Parliament and King George III. The colonist felt outraged by not being given the choice to pay the tax or not. This is when the merchants of the colonies agree to boycott all British goods till Parliament repealed this Act. Parliament had inadvertently united America. In 1767, Parliament repealed

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