Be able to agree individual learning goals with learners
1.1 Analyse the role of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goal
Gravells, (2012 p98), Initial assessment is a check on learners’ prior skill, knowledge or understanding which is carried out at the beginning of a programme or topic. In agreement with it could be formal, and mainly internal task which is produced by the school (ILP) to identify learners existing skills & achievements before the programme, gather information for course tutor, and individual background.
In my practice, I carry out Individual Learning Plan (ILP) interviews to support the team and the Academy leader or to observe the new intakes as they complete their baseline work sheets which are part of requirements of the learning programme for individual or group of learners who have been admitted into the school on a long or short term contracts to set achievable targets, a realistic action plans and give teachers a starting point on each learner predicted grades. Also, I always carry out initial assessment at the start of each lesson to ascertain learner prior knowledge of the topic to be discussed using multiple choice questions, Oral Q&As, open and closed questions which motivates the learners and gets them engaged and to create an inclusive learning environment from the start of the lesson.
In my practice, I facilitate the teaching and learning environment by planning for all individual leaners identified learning styles enhanced with appropriate resources like audio, video etc discovered by encouraging each learners to complete a self-evaluation questionnaire called a Learning Style Inventory (LSI) designed by Kolb (1984), while each learner chooses and develops an understanding of his or her learning preferences and use that understanding to enhance his or her own learning experience.
Gravells (2012 p98) explained that diagnostic
References: 15 Geoff Petty, (2009) Teaching Today A Practical Guide Fourth Edition (Paperback) 16 Gravells, A 19. Marshall, B. (2007) – Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector BTEC Level 3; Pearson; ISBN 9781846900242 20 21. SFA, (2013) Skills Funding Agency (online) accessed on 21/02/2014 @ 10.15 22 23. SCCD, (2009) Q2 Teacher Training - (online) accessed on 21/03/2014 @ 10.05 24