Unit 002
Planning and Enabling Learning
Assignment 2.1 Theory
John Smith
Contents Page
Methodology of Research and Introduction 3
Findings for points A to D 4
Précis of findings for points A to D 12
Bibliography 14
Methodology of research
This report will look at the following points: A. Negotiating with learners, e.g. initial assessment, agreeing goals and actions. B. Inclusive learning, e.g. the use of different delivery methods, resources and adapting session plans. C. Integrating functional skills into their subject area, (Language, Literacy, Maths, ICT). D. Communication, e.g. verbal/non-verbal and possible barriers.
Much of my research has been carried out through discussions with some of my colleagues in the ICT department at Any College; I have also had access to several books on these topics which have been extremely useful. The Internet has also been employed in my research but only in a limited context.
Findings for Points A to D
A. Negotiating with learners, e.g. initial assessment, agreeing goals and actions
“Initial assessment is a term given to part of the learning process that hopes to combine the learner; the teacher and the curriculum” Wilson (2008)
This statement says to me that initial assessment should be a 360 degree process in that it is as much for the learner to experience a teacher and curriculum, and for the teacher to assess the learning levels of a particular learner.
I have experienced a form of initial assessment that does encompass this ethos. Within Mencap National colleges they require an application from learners wishing to attend one of their residential colleges up to 3 years in advance of them being able to start (funding dictates start dates). The way that the colleges assess the potential learners is quite unique. All learners are invited to attend a 3 day/2 night assessment period at their college in Lufton, near Any.
Bibliography: Moser Group (Online) www.lifelonglearning.co.uk/mosergroup/index.htm (10.2.2009) Wilson (2008) Practical Teaching A Guide to PTLLS and CTLLS. Cengage Learning (publishers). Wright, N (2003) Tri-angles: patterns of three in reflective practice. Training Journal.