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Best Day Of My Life

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Best Day Of My Life
Best day of my life

The best day of my life was definitely the day that I graduated High school. Knowing that all the hard work over the past 12 years has paid off is one of the best feelings I’ve ever had. Being able to walk across the stage and have my diploma handed to me made it all worth it. Making it even better, I had my teachers, classmates, friends and family all there to watch and support me. Even though it was bittersweet knowing I may never see some of these people again, I was excited to go my separate way and move on in life. I couldn’t wait to not only see where life would take me, but to start a new beginning. The excitement, knowledge of accomplishment, and support made graduation the best day of my life.
The morning of May 31st, 2014 I woke up as if it was any other day. I did my morning routine and went upstairs to watch TV with my family. It never really hit me that I was about to graduate high school until my mom said the simple 3 words, “are you ready?” That’s when I started to get butterflies in my stomach, and thoughts started racing through my head. I began to realize how important this day really was. I always looked forward to it and the goal; forever in the back of my head, was to graduate. Ever since kindergarten, year after year, I watched the seniors graduating and thought of how long I had until my day would come. Little did I know, in the blink of an eye it would be here, forcing me to move on with life, and start my next chapter.
As nearly four hundred of us stood in line in our caps and gowns, I began to realize that most of these people I made so many memories with, I may never see again. I knew that we would all go our separate ways. Some may go to college, some might work and others need a little bit more time to figure out what they are going to do with their lives. As for me, I always knew I wanted to go to college to further my education. Although I still am not 100% confident on what I want to do, I know that college will lead me into the right direction. Throughout high school I was always a decent student. I almost always made honor role other then a rare C+ that would sometimes get in the way. I knew that in order to reach my goal in attending a 4-year institution I needed to keep my grades up and get involved as much as I could. This hard work definitely paid off. I got into the college I desired to attend and most importantly, got the honor of receiving my diploma and walking at graduation. As I approached my chair, I could hear cheers from everyone in the crowd. The stands were completely filled and all eyes were on us as we entered the field. My excitement began to sink in as I looked around and saw my own friends and family cheering me on. To make this day even more special was the fact that my graduating class was the last to ever graduate from our high school. Our school had got so old and run down that they needed to rebuild a new one. This was a big deal in our town because not only was our high school career ending, but all of the memories in that school were being knocked down with it. As I sat their anxiously waiting for my name to be called, I watched all of my friends walk across the stage and receive their diplomas. Finally my row was told to stand up, this is when the nerves began to sink in. My biggest fear was probably tripping in front of all these people. Finally, I was next in line and began to calm down. They called my name and as I approached the stage I could hear my name being cheered out in the crowd. That was probably the best feeling I could ever have. The support from my friends and family is something that means the world to me.
I know that as I go through life there will be other days that will probably top off graduation. However, as of now in my 18 years of living, that was definitely a day to remember. As I grow up, graduate college, hopefully get married and have kids, I know there will be a day that I will look back and think, I made it. As I get my first real job and move into a house or an apartment, I know that my high school diploma is what started this long successful path for me. The excitement, thought of moving on, and support from friends and family is what made this day so memorable and life changing for me.

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