Executive Summary........................................................................................................................ 1
I. Introduction......................................................................................................................... 7
II. How the Research Was Conducted..................................................................................... 8
III. An Industry Profile of the Plastics Sector........................................................................... 9
IV. Workforce Characteristics................................................................................................ 11
V. Best Practices in Retention: a Review of the Literature................................................... 12
1. Compensation and Benefits.......................................................................................... 18
2. Recognition and Rewards............................................................................................. 23
3. Training, Professional Development and Career Planning........................................... 25
4. Recruitment and Orientation......................................................................................... 27
5. Healthy Workplace and Well-being Programs............................................................. 29
6. Work-Life Balance........................................................................................................ 30
7. Job Design and Work Teams........................................................................................ 31
8. Communications and Employee Participation.............................................................. 33
9. Performance Appraisal and Performance Management ............................................... 35
VI. Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer......................................................... 37
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