A worldview is a philosophy or the way an individual views the world and everything in it, and is present in every single human being on this planet. A worldview is an individual’s set of beliefs, and directly affects their decision making, values, relationships, and behaviors by that individual.
II. Articulate the biblical/Christian Worldview (what is believed) for each of the following 5 questions. Give 2 relevant scripture references for each of the five questions below (do not write out the verses) to support why it is believed. (300 words)
The Question of Origin?
A Christian worldview teaches that …show more content…
The Bible teaches us that God created every single living thing in the universe. However, there is one detail that sets humans apart from every other living thing in the world. That is the fact that we were created in Gods’ image. (Genesis 1:27 and Ephesians 4:24) The fact that we were created in the image of our creator is an extremely significant, but often overlooked fact regarding creation. Another significant detail, is the fact that humans have everlasting souls.
The Question of …show more content…
The Bible clearly teaches that there are only two very specific possibilities for eternity; Heaven, and Hell. There is only way to make it to Heaven, and that is to accept the gift that Jesus gave us by dying on the cross for our sins. (1 Peter 3:18) The Bible lists the two possibilities for eternity as being either eternal life, or eternal punishment. (Matthew 25:46)
III. How might/should a biblical worldview influence the way you [Refer specifically to how biblical worldview beliefs influence your answer]
1. How might/should a biblical worldview influence the way you think about, treat, and speak to others on a daily basis?
A Christian worldview should influence the way we interact with others because we live and work around people every day who have their eternity hanging in the balance. The way we live our lives can be a great influence on these people, and can ultimately affect their willingness to investigate Christianity based upon the way that we treat them on a daily basis.
2. How might/should a biblical worldview influence the way you vote in local or national