
Analysis Of The Essay Tweens: Ten Going On Sixteen

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Analysis Of The Essay Tweens: Ten Going On Sixteen
The “Tweens” essay was very interesting and something most girls can relate to. The title couldn’t be truer. Even though this essay is a little old the idea is still the same. Young girls today are trying to act older than they are. The title “Tweens: Ten Going on Sixteen” really relates to the story because so many young girls act like they are sixteen. The author talks about them wearing makeup, crimes, and an increase in sex among younger children. These are all problems we face with young children trying to act older than they actually are. The author did a very nice job of addressing problems with pre-teens in our society today. A big problem we have experienced is an increase in crime rate from children of this age. When this paper was wrote the crime rate for children this age was twenty- five percent. Another problem is the amount of girls having sex before the age of fifteen it is up to nineteen percent. These problems …show more content…
She was describing a very important problem with our young children today. Since, the topic was so serious and important it was crucial for the author to have a more serious tone. This essay contained longer paragraphs with many examples and evidence to achieve this tone. You can tell the tone is serious by the types of examples the author uses. She discusses serious topics like sex, drugs, crimes, and eating disorders. She also uses examples of how she sees the trends occurring in her own children and how they are a concern for her. If this wasn’t important to her she wouldn’t use it as an example to show how big of an issue this is. The author did an excellent job of writing an illustration essay. One of the important parts to writing an illustration essay is a big variety of examples. The author used many different stories, expert opinions, and studies to help back up her thesis. This made for a nicely written essay that could clearly state and back up the

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