
War Of 1812 Dbq Research Paper

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War Of 1812 Dbq Research Paper
I believe that the forces that led Americans to declare war on Britain in 1812 was when Britain took over many ships of ours. They took our men as well. Then they also caused conflict with using the ocean. They took over many ships and all the things we had in it. They enslaved our men on boarded those vessels.
In those times we didn’t have planes yet so the only way to transport goods was through the ships on the ocean. We often had ships in the ocean moving goods to the people on the other side of the ocean. The British started taking over and coming on to our ships and stealing everything. It says here “ Great Britain , in defiance of this incontestable… right, captures every American vessel bound to, or returning from, a port where her
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They would take our men that were traveling on the ships and use them as slaves. It also says in the same document “... enslaves our seamen, and in spite of our… perseveres in these aggressions.” ( Annals of the congress of the United States). I don’t think that it is right to first take our ships then take our men and make them slaves. If we hadn’t declared war then we would lose a lot of our men just from the delivering.
Lastly we declared war because they were causing problems with the using the ocean. We needed to use the ocean like the document says “... acknowledge highway of nations…” ( Annals of the congress of the United States). This is saying that we all nations use the ocean like a “highway”. Without the ocean rights then we have no way of transportation of goods. We need the ocean to use for transportation and you never know if we would have needed it for something else. It was important for use to have the ability to use the ocean.
I believe that the forces that led use to declare war on Britain was that they took our ships. They also took that men on board those ships as slaves. Lastly they trespassed our right to use the ocean for transportation. I also believe that is was a good thing that we declared war on

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