1.1 A person centred approach is when you take into account the care and support an individual may need or require and the quality in which u provide it. It assists people in the care sector in finding out what is important to that person and enhances the relationship that you are then able to build up by following there wants and needs.
1.2 It is important to ensure you follow the person centred plan so that you are offering the best quality of care to each individual service user. This then influences the way that you deliver the service and how you adapt it to each person differently.
1.3 By following an individual’s values gives you the chance to offer the best quality of care as you are meeting all the wants and needs of the individual service user. This reduces stress and strain on the individual as they feel that you have actually taken the time to read about them and there wants and want makes them happy or unhappy.
2.1 If you are going to take the time to sit down with a person 1-1 and talk to them about their life gives them the opportunity to have an input in the care plan which you will write on their behalf. It lets them tell you what makes them happy, what their likes and dislikes are, what their interests are etc. and including all this in there care plan reduces any stress and upset on that individual person as they are able to give you all the information required to keep them as happy and as comfortable as possible.
2.2 By using the care plan you can find out what it is that could possibly diffuse a situation if an individual gets agitated for instance they may be expressing a want or need that you are not understanding at that time but by looking in the care plan it should state what it is that the individual is trying to communicate to you thus diffusing and calming the situation down by knowing what it is they want and letting them have/do it.
2.3 A care plan is there to assist you in improving the lives and