
The Pros And Cons Of Lyin Lying

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The Pros And Cons Of Lyin Lying
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” - Mark Twain
Simply put, this quote essentially explains itself. Telling the truth results in less effort than keeping a complicated web full of lies. This idea becomes ubiquitous in day-to-day life, as it ties together the relationships one may have with all his or her counterparts. The line between truth and lies becomes thin at times, but ultimately the fact of strewing a mix of both at the same moment is what causes problems relating to memory and memory-loss. The truth is a far-fetched form of communication in some places, and therefore cannot be regularly spoken. Some areas of the world enforce strict and unusual laws in which free-speech is restricted. In situations like this the truth may not suffice as the correct answer due to a possibility of prosecution or punishment. Many people placed in these environments are regularly forced to lie as a means to protect themselves from any danger or backlash they may receive if they were to speak their minds. This is where the confusion primarily starts.
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Lying, although normally portrayed as a negative influence on society, is used for a number of reasons. In particular lying may be used when someone becomes too hesitant to tell the truth, for fear of a response they would deem unenjoyable. Someone may lie to begin rumors; for a better feeling of self-esteem upon themselves or an associated clique. Even a body as huge and widespread as the government lies daily, whether it be for the greater good or not. Before someone reluctantly shuts out lying because it is deemed harmful and toxic to relationships among others, they must first take a step back and view the picture from an open-minded

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