
A Comparison Of Lying In Romeo And Juliet And Death Of A Salesman

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A Comparison Of Lying In Romeo And Juliet And Death Of A Salesman
In Romeo and Juliet and in Death of a Salesman, lying was a big theme that took place. Lying was a part of the central characters everyday life and eventually led to death. In these two stories we are shown how destructive lying can be on a family's relationship. Also that lying can protect people and make them feel better about themselves. Not knowing something that might hurt you can either result in a good or a bad outcome. Sadly, in these two stories the outcome was not good. Romeo and Juliet and Death of a Salesman were both books where the characters were not truthful to each other, and this deceit led to the main character's downfall.
Lying is a part of everyday life for many people. Everyone has lied in his or her lives before and sometimes it hurts people, however, sometimes it doesn’t. There are many different reasons why people lie. There are also different types of lies. People tell small “white lies” maybe to stop embarrassment or to not hurt someone’s feelings. However, it is much worse when people tell lies because they’re hiding something or they don’t want their parents to know. On the other side, some people tell lies pathologically. People that lie often might have a mental health disorder. Common disorders associated
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Romeo says he is someone on the guest list just so he can get into the party. The lie that Romeo told started trouble and more conflict between the Capulets and the Montagues. This ongoing fight that got worse with the lie resulted in the death of Mercutio. Due to all the fighting between the two families, Mercutio ended up dying and that was triggered by a lie. This shows that the conflict between the families led to death because many lies were going around and this shows the tragic ending that can happen when people aren’t being

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