Women all over the world have made great accomplishments for themselves over the course of the century. The Dress Maker of Khair Khana, written by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, is an inspirational story based in the country of Afghanistan. The Sidqi family is rather lucky in comparison to many other families living under the reign of the Taliban. Kamila Sidqi is a bold young woman born into a culture dominated by men, and she must overcome many obstacles if her family is to survive. In Afghanistan, there are many different beliefs, but the prominent religion is Islam. Women in the Islamic culture are expected to remain pure and modest in public and not be seen without a veil or chadri by males outside of their
Women all over the world have made great accomplishments for themselves over the course of the century. The Dress Maker of Khair Khana, written by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, is an inspirational story based in the country of Afghanistan. The Sidqi family is rather lucky in comparison to many other families living under the reign of the Taliban. Kamila Sidqi is a bold young woman born into a culture dominated by men, and she must overcome many obstacles if her family is to survive. In Afghanistan, there are many different beliefs, but the prominent religion is Islam. Women in the Islamic culture are expected to remain pure and modest in public and not be seen without a veil or chadri by males outside of their