
Seven Spirits In The Book Of Revelation

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Seven Spirits In The Book Of Revelation
In the beginning of the book of Revelation are the prologue and the greeting. And John greets them with grace and peace in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (1:4). Generally grace and peace are spoken of as coming from God the Father and from Jesus. The book of Revelation has a diverse greeting of the grace and peace. It described in more “elaborate terms,” which contents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God- “who is, and who was, and who is to come.” Here are three nominative clauses, each one has a definite article and linked other with the conjunction καί. Then, it is clear that all “three noun clauses represent to God”-the only one. The name of God probably related to the name which God told in “His
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And the sevenfold Spirits is both “of God” (3:1; 4:5) and of “the Lamb” (5:6). The phrase “spirits of God” is not found in the Old Testament (in the Old Testament only appears with singular form “spirit of God.”)
There are different perspectives of conception of the phrase “the seven spirits that are before his [God’s] throne” in Revelation. (1) Some think the πνεθματων (spirits) are angels (actually, for the plural term “Spirits,” is never used for angels in the OT). The references are “Isa 11:2 LXX (which adds a seventh virtue, ‘godliness,’ to the six in the MT) and Zech 4:2, 10 (with seven lamps as ‘the eyes of the Lord, which range throughout the earth’) as referring to the ‘sevenfold Holy Spirit.’” And the number “seven” is emphasizing the Spirit’s perfect work. (2) An ancient Christian view figures out it is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (3) Someone believes that the number seven fits the churches of Asia which he wrote to and where he worked with; and the Spirits is the strength and key in their understanding. (4) The other points out that “the seven spirits before His throne” are best understood as part of a “heavenly entourage that has a special ministry in connection with the
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John used three descriptive titles to identify Jesus Christ, and each one has a “critical theme in the book as a whole.” “In these texts it expresses the centrality of Christology in its doxology which centers on Christ and His three actions of the celebration of His redemptive work.” It also “accents each stage of Jesus’ saving work,” from “His obedience and death on the cross to His resurrection to His final victory over human powers and hostile armies.”
The three titles of Jesus Christ introduce who Jesus was; and the three actions of Jesus Christ state what Jesus had done. In various ways, this introduction has “emphasized the trustworthiness, power, sovereignty and love of Christ and of God. These are all vital truths for God’s people as much in the past age of John’s and now. These are the great truths that remind in the midst of a suffering world in which God’s people will often be persecuted. They also remind that the context within which people live and work and serve. It is a context in which Christ has freed us from the penalty of sin to serve Him in this world while for His return in

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