Flexible working hours is very important on perspective of employers and employees in Malaysia. Companies that offer flexible working schedules are the key to luring professional women back into the workforce. Flexible work arrangements was a tried and true strategy used by advanced economies and offered a work-life balance that was becoming essential in attracting and retaining employees, especially mothers who wanted more time with their family. [The Star Online, July 2013]
A system of flexible working hours gives employees some choice over the actual times they work their contracted hours. Such a system can be a good way of recruiting and retaining the staff. This system provides an opportunity for employees to work hours consistent with their other commitments. Flexibility in the organization is also recognized as a valuable tool in achieving greater business productivity. This approach supports work life balance, a concept providing the flexibility necessary for employees to manage the balance between what needs to be achieved at work and their personal commitment outside the organization.
This research is substantial in getting the information of the advantages, disadvantages and ways to implement flexible working hours practices. Achieving a work life balance between the needs of home and work is a win for the employee and the employer. Flexible working hours management is important to increase productivity and objective of the organization in Malaysia. At the end of the research,
Recommendations could be made for companies to decide to implement flexible working hour in their organization.
Most of employees want the flexibility of working hour to have a balance between work and their other responsibilities and lifestyle. For examples, parents may want to spend
Bibliography: Published January 21, 2013 – FOX Business By Dr. Woody - Advantage of Flexible Arrangements for Working Parents www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/2013/01/21/advantage-flexible-arrangements-for-working-parents Flexible work schedules increase productivity sources from: http://www.benefitspro.com/2012/07/22/flexible-work-schedules-increase-productivity Negatives of Flexible Work Schedules by Miranda Brookins, Demand Media http://smallbusiness.chron.com/negatives-flexible-work-schedules-1236.html Disadvantages of Alternative Scheduling for Employers by Lisa Mooney, Demand Media http://smallbusiness.chron.com/disadvantages-alternative-scheduling-employers-24173.html http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2000/06/art3full.pdf http://management.fortune.cnn.com/2011/04/20/flexible-jobs-happy-worker-bees/ APPENDICES