* Statististics In United States Bullying is increasingly viewed as an important contributor to youth violence including homicide and suicde, case studies of the shooting at Colombine High and other U.S school have suggested that bullying was a factor in many of the inadents. And 1 out of 4 kids are bullyied. And well be abused by another youth. Children are Physicaly attacked in secondary school. Bullying has been reported as more prevaten among males and females and occurred with greater frequency. The study also report on bullies that prevalenoe . School suggests a need for much research to understand, and devise ways to intervene against bullying. People noted that researches have show that school programs can be successful. these programs focused on increasing awareness of bullying, increasing teacher and partents supervision, establishing clear rules, prohibiting bullying and providing support and protection foe who are beening bullied.
*Difintion of Bullying Agressive behavior that can take many forms (Varbal, Physical Social/ Relational/ Emotional, or cyber bullying or any combination of these). It involves an imbalance of power, is often repeated over a period of time. The bullying is generally unprovked and can consist of one child bullying another, group of children , are the one's that gang up againt one child or a group of kids tatgeting another group. Common behaviors attrbated to bullying include put-down, name calling, rumors,verbal threats menaching, harassment intimidation, social isolation or exclusion, and physical