Bullying is a pattern of aggressive behavior meant to hurt or cause discomfort to another person. The behavior can be habitual and involve an imbalance of social or physical power.
The bullying can be subdivided into three types; verbal in forms of teasing, name calling, taunting and vulgar languages. Physical in forms of punching, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or breaking someone’s things, making mean or rude hand gestures and extortion. Social in forms of spreading rumors, gossping, embarrassing someone in public, telling other people not to be friends with someone, excluding from group, threatening notes, letters, emails, telephone calls and threatening words, actions or weapons.
Bullying is being triggered by variety of causes. Specifically in family issues where in poor parental supervision takes place between parents and children. Social media issues where different types of programs affects the personality and mindset of an individual towards self and others. Institutional issues where there is an absence of standardized way for people to treat each other, as a result bullying may be more likely prevalent and have an influence on why people bully. Cultural issues varies in language of different country it serves as a barrier that affects each other’s understanding towards the real message of the said context regarding bullying. Also, it depends on the traditions they have adopted in the society. Racial discrimination takes when a person is treated less favorably than another person in a similar situation because of their race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. Likewise, individuals suffering identity confusion manifests jealousy, envy, attention seeking personality, strive for superiority and pleases people for popularity they also seeks for revenge for what happened to them in the past that they also displays the same thing to others. This causes results the distorted view towards one self-worth that leads to depression, anxiety, heavy self-criticism, dissatisfaction, self-harm, low self-esteem and confidence, insecurities, rage, hopelessness, unworthiness, impaired interpersonal relationships, resentment, apathy that sometimes leads to suicide whether successful or attempted.
Thus, the action and words that the mouth speaks and utters can bring life or death. The motivation why the researchers were engrossed in this issue is that, the case involves the concept of knowing that individuals are different from each other. Comparison should never be in the context. The stereotype mentality should not be in the picture because this leads to the distortion and corruption of one’s identity that leads to confusion and destruction. Furthermore, it is an issue that some think lightly and doesn’t have much effect in an individual. Moreover, it is experienced by everyone whether overtly or covertly expressed.
This study attempts to exposed what bullying does to a person and at the same time help in contribution on how to overcome and control this kind of attitude where in lives are the one at stake. Hence, it can also be a tool on how to effectively respond when you are in a situation like this and serve as a guide on how to manage and deal with the threatening emotions that is yet to come.
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