
Many People Were Responsible for Romeo and Juliet's Deaths

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Many People Were Responsible for Romeo and Juliet's Deaths
Many People Were Responsible For Romeo and Juliet’s Death
In the timeless love story of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare many people, including the very Romeo and Juliet themselves were responsible for their deaths. Everything that happened in the story clearly led to two of the most famous deaths in the history of literature and almost all the characters in the story had role to play in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. These deaths are tragic but heartfelt and have made many individuals feel the pain of the Montagues and Capulets both which had been in a family feud for many, many years.
The most prominent person responsible for the death of these two young lovers is the honorable and somewhat scheming Friar Lawrence. When Romeo came to the Friar to ask him the favour of conducting the wedding service between him and Juliet, he agreed. The reason he said yes was that he thought that the marriage union between the two could soften the hearts of the two families and end the ongoing feud between them. The Friar married them but one thing stopped his marvelous plan from working. A plague in the city of Mantua prevented a letter meant for Romeo from getting delivered, which caused Romeo’s death. The good Friar was also majorly responsible for the both the deaths of Juliet and Lady Montague. Since Romeo got himself banished to Mantua for killing Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, Juliet was in a state of emotional unrest and depression because of not being able to see her dear Romeo. In a moment of desperation she goes to the Friar Lawrence stating that if he can not help her or give her some good advice, she will kill herself. Now, the Friar is full of good intention, but is not the smartest human on earth. He decides to give Juliet a poison that will make her appear dead for forty- two hours “ Though shalt continue two-and-forty hours, and then awake as from a pleasant sleep. Now, when the bridegroom comes to rouse thee from thy bed, there art thou-dead.” (IV. I.

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