In act 1 scene 5 Juliet lets Romeo kiss her, which starts every bad thing yet to happen. They were in the middle of the dance floor talking and they were making references to Romeo's lips and Juliet went along with it. When Romeo kissed her the first time she said he kisses by the book, which was a compliment saying he kisses very good. Because of her letting him kiss her, she automatically disobeys her parents because at the feast she was to only have had interest in Paris and get to know him. Juliet then let's Romeo kiss her once more before she leaves instead of cutting him off, which shows interest and makes him want more. …show more content…
After listening for a minute or two he decides to speak, which she's startled by. When she realizes it's Romeo she wants him to climb up to her balcony but it's too high. Romeo then climbs up a tree to her balcony and says that no walls or any relatives of hers will keep his love away from her. By Juliet letting/asking Romeo to climb up to her balcony she makes things worse. She also then basically makes out with him and she has only known him for a few hours. Then the one thing to make everything worse, Romeo proposes and she says