
Essay On The Role Of Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Essay On The Role Of Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
The story of Romeo and Juliet is one that will live on forever. Two lovers who took their own lives while overwhelmed by a love they couldn’t understand. Many question who was involved in getting the two to the point where they felt suicide was the only option. Friar Lawrence played a big role in the lives of Romeo and Juliet as did Nurse, and Lord and Lady Capulet. The question being answered here is how did they contribute to such tragedy. Friar Lawrence was a big part of the Romeo and Juliet story. He was the man who made things happen from the wedding to Juliet’s faked death, but did all these things lead to what was continues to be the saddest story ever written. Friar knew that Romeo wasn’t in love with Juliet he told him “So soon forsaken? Young men’s love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.” (Act 2 Scene 3) Even knowing that information Friar Lawrence agreed to marry the two children in hopes it would end the feud. He didn’t consider the long term effects of this marriage, Romeo told him he would be willing to die if he had …show more content…
They were always pushing her towards what they thought was right for her. They let her assume that she had a say in what was going on, but as soon as Juliet disobeyed them she became a stranger. They called her a curse upon the family “That God had lent us but this only child; But now I see this one is too much, And that we have a curse in having her” (Act 3 Scene 5) and Juliet’s mother told Juliet to her face that she wouldn’t care if Juliet were to kill herself at this point. All this together could make Juliet feel like she isn’t loved so while she was in the tomb she didn’t question killing herself because to her Romeo was the only one who loved her. Juliet thinking this all while her mind was spinning with all the emotions in her mind with Romeo easily could have contributed to her feeling unwanted and killing

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