
Leading Innovation and Change - MOD 033

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Leading Innovation and Change - MOD 033
Leading Innovation and change


Critical Literature Review of Theories of Innovation, Change, and
Leadership of Innovation and Change


This assignment reviews the theories of innovation and change as well as those of leadership of innovation and change. Being constant features in human affairs be it social, economic or political even in their classical form, they are guided by frameworks and theories – rich and diverse – developed by seminal thinkers, most of which have passed through continual dissection and reinterpretation. Their increasing consensus on fundamental issues they tackle has made them to become universally recognized concepts. However, since certain expectations underpin the way in which academic endeavours operate, a constant assessment of the values of the works they report therefore becomes essential. It is in this spirit that the assignment urges the writer to carry the assessment forward by reviewing the theories in a critical manner. Ordinarily, interpreting signals from authors who intelligently presented their views with conviction can take a critical reviewer to one of two extremes or both – being either uncritical and so accept everything or overcritical and in it reject all. To this, this assignment urges the writer’s reasonable skepticism, which enjoins one to strike a reasonable balance between one’s own ideas and those reviewed. This in essence implies being in the frame of trying to see if there is more in a text than is presented in the surface. Exercising discretion in favour of this reasoning has not only met the requirements of academic tradition, but also considerably ordered the coloration of the literature review undertaken here. This paper further examines the theories developed to harness leadership, its operational frameworks and the limitations of leadership towards a given objective. The modules so far covered in this programme, resource materials provided and further research into the

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