
Incarceration Between The Rehabilitation And The Punitive Model

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Incarceration Between The Rehabilitation And The Punitive Model
Given current trends in society today, the next era of corrections will be a hybrid model between the rehabilitation and punitive model. Thousands of studies show the positive and negative components of each of these models. The rehabilitation model was not properly measured years prior due to the lack of technology and society was critiquing the process because they were not able to see the benefits of the program first hand. The punitive model on the other had has had plenty of evidence on its success in increasing incarceration rates and creating issues with overcrowding and lack of funding. Nevertheless, each model has something positive they can bring to the table. This new model will allow for a very small transition of models due to the current present of rehabilitation programs and the current popularity of the punitive model. The problem with each model of these models is that they both need to be a little more realistic; they each need modified qualities added to the …show more content…
The punitive model has beneficial aspects such as the severity of crime and having a strict layout of punishment, but there are a few ethical issues within this model. This model has increased incarceration rates, which has creating a safer society, nonetheless, in return it is causing issues with overcrowding and lack of funding’s. This part of the new model would incorporate the strict punishments ideas, but to an extent. This type of punishment would be directed towards individuals who were guilty of serious crimes such as domestic violence, rape, other forms of sexual offenses, murder (all degrees), attempted murder, and kidnapping. These types of crimes are much more severe and require punitive punishment due to the fact that these individuals have a slim chance of being released into society and the rehabilitation program will not benefit society. They would be treated adequately based on the crime they are found guilty

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