About an estimated of 119 Jews were murdered in December as part of a program. Some of these Jews were put to work hard in really cold seasons and became weak. Many of these Jews were killed by the guards just so they could had fun. All of these Jews were denied medical treatment and some died of illness. On October of 1942 the last group of these Jews were were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp. As the Soviet forces approach the main Gross Rosen camp the subcamps when on death marches. Men and women had to walk on foot under brutal conditions for hours or even days until they became weak to continue. If they became weak SS guards killed them and left them. All of these people many whom were Jews were not given food or water so many starved to death. About an estimated of 40,000 people did not survive the death marches. While the subcamps we're on death marches the main camp was evacuating by a train. Even the people evacuating by rail suffered because there was no food and the card they used was carrying coal. So many of these people die and one survive but not all were in the trains some were still in the concentration camp. On January 13,1945 the main Gross Rosen camp was evacuated and there was a big amount of people who are
About an estimated of 119 Jews were murdered in December as part of a program. Some of these Jews were put to work hard in really cold seasons and became weak. Many of these Jews were killed by the guards just so they could had fun. All of these Jews were denied medical treatment and some died of illness. On October of 1942 the last group of these Jews were were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp. As the Soviet forces approach the main Gross Rosen camp the subcamps when on death marches. Men and women had to walk on foot under brutal conditions for hours or even days until they became weak to continue. If they became weak SS guards killed them and left them. All of these people many whom were Jews were not given food or water so many starved to death. About an estimated of 40,000 people did not survive the death marches. While the subcamps we're on death marches the main camp was evacuating by a train. Even the people evacuating by rail suffered because there was no food and the card they used was carrying coal. So many of these people die and one survive but not all were in the trains some were still in the concentration camp. On January 13,1945 the main Gross Rosen camp was evacuated and there was a big amount of people who are