
Friar Lawrence To Blame In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Friar Lawrence To Blame In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
“Young men’s love lies not truly in their heart, but in their eye’s.”

Friar Lawrence said this just after Romeo told him about Juliet. Friar Lawrence is

explaining why Romeo is not truly in love with Juliet by basically telling him that he just

thinks she's pretty and that Romeo is not truly in love with her. Is just one reason

why these events are truly Romeo’s fault. Romeo is the most to blame for the events

that took place in William Shakespeare’s rendition of Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo fell in love with Juliet way too fast. Romeo saw Juliet at this party and he

went up and talked to her for a minute. after he hit on her, they kissed, and then Juliet

persuaded him to kiss her again. Romeo walked into Lord
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And before doing this he threatened to kill

Balthasar, his servant, by ripping apart his limbs and spreading them across the

churchyard. The young Montague was in the city of Mantua when Balthasar told him

about Juliet and that she was “dead.” Hearing this Romeo started searching the city for

an apothecary to sell him poison, he had found a small and starving one and asked him

for the poison but the apothecary would not sell. Romeo then convinced him to sell the

poison by insulting him and then Juliet’s lover went down to her grave and drank the

poison by her surprisingly non-pale blushing cheeks and died.

Which character is the most to blame for the events that took place in Romeo

and Juliet? Romeo is the most to blame because he fell in love with Juliet to fast, he

saw her in this crowded party. He then walked over to her, they talked for a minute and

Romeo kissed Juliet twice. Needless to say Romeo is way too emotional and unstable

to marry a young woman. All in all Romeo could've avoided all of this if he could have

kept his emotions in

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