According to the case 4.1 Lying to Rachel Adams, in my opinion, Janet's messages was not ethical when she interaction with Rachel. Adams was set up a meeting with Janet to asked Janet about merger things, Janet said Ballinger would be independent forever and promised that Ballinger are not going anywhere. But, Ballinger merger with other company after few mouths, and Janet already known this information before. So Janet did not told the truth fact to Rachel. And when Rachel known Ballinger merger with other company and talk with Janet, Janet said she had a moral obligation to Ballinger to do her job, her job is need to keeping Rachel here that’s means she need to omit certain information.…
To lie or not to lie? We are often faced with this question when stuck in sticky situations. It seems as if lying is our second nature, and that is not a good thing. In the articles “Brad Blanton: Honestly Tell The Truth” by Barbara Ballinger and “Teens Do Their Share of Lying” by Loretta Ragsdell, the authors discuss lying and argue its’ justifiability. I agree with the concept that lying is never acceptable because it is morally wrong.…
It’s been made clear by the author, that the average American citizen does not possess an optimal knowledge on mathematics. Assuming that his words reflect the truth, naturally. The sole fact that society has converted the incapacity of an adult to perform basic mental processes into a laughing matter, reveals the alarming condition of the country’s masses. Therefore, without any developed mathematical skills, it wouldn’t be too implausible to believe that a standard individual is unable to tell, or at least estimate, the consistency of any given statistic. Nonetheless, Joel Best’s goal is not to prove the inefficiency of the education system, but the credulity and lack of judgment of the general public.…
Is it ever morally permissible to lie to someone? Describe a circumstance in which it seems that lying might make more people happy than telling the truth. Would lying be the right thing to do in that circumstance, or is it our moral duty to tell the truth, even then?…
An issue that has been highly controversial regarding honesty has been whether it is ever right to lie. Some people would argue that lying is not always morally wrong. From this perspective, telling a lie can be beneficial because the truth sometimes causes more damage than a lie would. To illustrate, a person might lie about how someone looks so that they are not offended. However, others argue that it is never morally right to lie. Stephanie Ericsson, who maintains this view, argues in her essay “The Ways We Lie” that “When someone lies, someone loses” (425). According to this view, a lie always leads to someone being negatively affected. Therefore, lying is wrong because it always results in someone being harmed. In sum, the issue is whether lying is moral or immoral.…
Frankie Younger PHIL 121Q Clark 1.31.17 On Truth and Lying in a Nonmoral Sense In this essay I intend to tease apart a passage from Nietzsche’s essay “On Truth and Lying in a Nonmoral Sense” pertaining to concept formation. I will break down his argument into its core constituents and entertain several readings of his claims, establishing one of them as closest to Nietzsche’s original intentions.…
Lies are told around the world multiple times during the day. Everyone sitting in this room has probably once today, said a lie. Sometimes lying is understandable for someone’s protection but sometimes the truth is essential to the person. There are multiple things people say in a day that are seen as lies such as “That outfit looks really good on you!,” “It wasn’t me!” and “I’ll be with you in a few minutes.” Honestly is not always the best policy because in the end it does not make everything better. People tell little lies so that they protect someone they care about and not hurt the feelings of another person. Honesty not always being the best policy is showed in The Scarlet Letter, “Tell All The Truth” poem, the “He Lies” video,…
The debate over the acceptability of lying is a complicated one. Some feel that it is morally wrong and only ever worsens a situation. Others feel that it is acceptable in cases where feelings could be hurt, or if a person’s self-esteem may be lowered. However, there are instances in which lying happens simply to avoid the consequences of a person’s actions, and most would agree that it is morally wrong. Instead of going back and forth between “lying is wrong” and “lying is okay sometimes,” a better use of our time would be learning to improve our honesty with ourselves and with the people around…
In a small home, a question is left unanswered, lingering in the air. “Is lying really something that is for the better good?” Within the many levels of lying lays a wavering argument only known as lying. Is it justified? Perhaps it should only be classified as unforgivable? Lying is a “necessity” in our everyday lives, it is and can be needed for the greater good whether it comes to lying to save a relationship with a close friend, or used to protect someone and even used to save a life. Lying is an action that is acceptable; it can even be considered a necessity.…
In a new Associated Presslpsos poll over half people said, lying was never justified.But in the same poll,two-thirds said it was ok to lie in certain situations,like protecting someone’s feelings.I firmly believe that lying is acceptable in our society.…
At some point in their lives, everyone will have to tell a lie. There are many reasons and motives to lie, but all require the same basic set of skills in order to do it effectively. The lie must be believable, consistent, and delivered correctly.…
Fraser, J. A., Mathews, B., & Walsh, K. (2009). Factors influencing child abuse and neglect recognition and reporting by nurses: A multivariate analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(2), 146-153. Retrieved from http://www.journalofnursing…
Have you ever lied to protect someone you were close to? Sometimes lying is okay even though some people think it’s so horrible. Lying is sometimes allowable!…
If your life was in danger, and one lie could save your life, would you want the lie to be told? Lies are a big issue and one lie that is told can change someone and their views on you you in a quick time could save an individual from harm. I believe that lying is hardly justified unless it brings harm to an individual.…
In my scenario, I am a patrol officer in a large, suburban police department. We are dispatched to a local abortion clinic, where “pro life” anti-abortion protestors have formed a human chain around the facility, preventing employees and patients from entering. Moments later, my sergeant arrives and orders all the officers to arrest the protestors for criminal trespass. The dilemma continues because I am a “pro life” supporter and attend pro life meetings at my church with several of the people at the clinic protesting. The question is, “What do I do?”…