
Week 3

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Week 3
Is it ever morally permissible to lie to someone? Describe a circumstance in which it seems that lying might make more people happy than telling the truth. Would lying be the right thing to do in that circumstance, or is it our moral duty to tell the truth, even then?
I believe in some causes it is morally permissible to lie, but in only if no one is in danger or if telling a lie could prevent harm to someone. At Christmas time we had an angel tree for the youth of our church, my aunt happened to pull my sons name he is 12 years old. My Aunt bought him a batman watch, hat, and gloves. My son feels he is to mature for these types of gifts, she asked him did he like it he told her yes to spare hurting her feelings. I wanted to tell him it’s not okay to lie but my aunt is very sensitive so I told him that I understood why he lied. I feel like in this circumstance it was okay to lie it was just not worth hurting her feelings. I told him he would have to wear his gifts to church every now and then and he agreed. Consider what Immanuel Kant would say, and explain that with reference to this week’s readings.
Mosser, K. (2013) explains, “The most famous objection to the deontologist's approach—specifically Kant's—is the problem posed by lying. Lying is, of course, intentionally misleading someone to think something is true when it is false or false when it is true.” Immanuel Kant believes being truthful no matter what the circumstances is the right thing to do.
Then, offer your own perspective. If you agree with Kant, consider and respond to an objection to his view. If you disagree with Kant, explain why.
I believe honesty is the best policy but if the truth will hurt some ones feeling I think sometimes lying in small circumstance would be a better choice. Personally I would prefer to be told the truth all the time, but I know a lot of people who are sensitive and they would be offended by the truth. I disagree with Immanuel Kant telling a small lie to spare

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