Scott Benson RN.
Jacksonville University
School of Nursing
Electronic Medical Record Healthcare has evolved in so many ways. One of the biggest changes has to do with charting. Nurses, physicians, social workers, etc. all have to chart, whether it is on paper or an electronic medical record (EMR). Hospital organizations have been changing their paper forms of charting over to an EMR system. This can be a very daunting task for an organization to take on. Some items to be considered are as follows. The timeline of the form to EMR, different challenges to the conversion of the paper form, what mandatory components will be a part of the EMR, and how to make the EMR user friendly. Here is an example of changing over an emergency department admission record to an EMR. The emergency department admission record form would take around twelve to sixteen weeks to implement (Electronic Medical Records Implementation). When selecting a vendor, an organization must keep in mind that the vendor needs to have the organizations mission and vision implemented into the system. The reason for the time it takes to change over the emergency …show more content…
Using EMR systems will help with patient safety, better outcomes, and is more efficient for the end user (The Era of Electronic Medical Records). With the technology of today converting a paper form over to an EMR system is the way to go. The time that it takes to convert the form, and the challenges an organization faces is a better option then paper charting. Being able to have mandatory sections of a form filed is not only beneficial to the organization but also the patient and the end user. This new way of charting is much easier to use and is not hard to