
Differences Between Sparta And Athens

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Differences Between Sparta And Athens
The Difference in Free Sparta and Athens

Danny Cantrell
HIST 301 D001
Ancient Greece
Robert Busek
1 January 2017

Sparta and Athens were two of the most influential city-states in Greece. Each state defined freedom through citizenship which allowed the population to have a voice within the political systems of their respective city-state. Sparta and Athens allied together to repel the invading Persians forces, but in other aspects could not be more different in their type of government and social structure. Both Sparta and Athens were great cities whose individual status was both respected and feared by other Greek city-states. Athens however took the lead in trade, diplomacy, art, and science. Sparta may have been a great
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An example of the extremes Sparta took to limit individualism was in their monetary system. “Fearful that competition for wealth would set the citizens at odds, she coined no money, used flat iron ingots in its place, and at least at one point, expressly outlawed the private possession of silver and gold.” Another measure taken was with men under thirty who comprised the Spartan army. These men were also “banned visits to the agora” , and as Plutarch remarks they were “the craftsmen of war, not the maker of pots.” Their purpose was to gain reputation and valor through battle. To create this Spartan army they practiced infanticide keeping only those fit to serve. The city would grant an equal allotment of land worked by the depressed class of Helots so that the Spartan may pursue his efforts in mastering the art of war and virtue. Spartan males would serve beginning at the age of seven until they are thirty with their whole life dedicated to this pursuit. To pursue this it seems there was a significant strain put to end “the private element in human life, at making the adult male Spartiate an almost entirely public being by eliminating to the greatest degree possible the last refuge of privacy- the family” The strict rule of law and militaristic society in Sparta had left no room for change as there was no individual pursuits. To change would be to lose control over the population as they began to form opinions contrary to tradition and beliefs. Sparta was ruled by despotism and the effect was what leaders had intended for Sparta to be armed society supported by slaves. The social system and government in Sparta had two purposes, to keep the Helot population under control and provide a powerful military capability increasing Sparta’s power and prominence. Will Durant concluded “The System had to be

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