
Demonstration Speech How To Make My Perfectly Pipeable

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Demonstration Speech How To Make My Perfectly Pipeable
Betsy Elrod
Jenna Walters

Demonstration Speech Video Assignment

Upon completing my demonstration speech on how to make my Perfectly Pipeable Buttercream Frosting I knew that I could have done better. I was worried about timing and got jumbled. In saying this, I do not think that my speech was bad. There were things I did well on and some that I did not do so well on. I am moderately okay with the way my speech turned out. I believe that my introduction was possibly the strongest part of my speech because that is where my passion was. I spoke about my Grandmother whom I looked up to until she passed away. Her passion is my passion and I work hard to be as wonderful as she was. I made myself credible by explaining that I have used this
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I listed the ingredients without hesitation, but had a few mistakes when I was going into too much detail at that time. I specifically noticed this in two places, when I was talking about the vanilla extract being clear and the possibility of needing the milk. I used phrases that were sort of awkward or unclear, such as when I said, “possibly you could use.” I should have said, “you could possibly need to use.” I incorporated my visual aid into my presentation in two ways. I had my two demonstration cupcakes set out on a table next to the cake box that had my business name on it. I used an unfrosted cupcake to explain how to frost a rosette onto the cupcake as my first use of the visual aid. I then showed the finished product of the rosette by holding up an already decorated cupcake. I had another plan for my visual aid by ran into a complication the night before. I believe my delivery went well. I got everything that I wanted to say out within my time frame. I stumbled over some things a bit, but tried to not let it bother me too much. I feel like I sped up and slowed down a bit during my speech. My audience seemed generally interested in what I was saying and I believe that I kept their attention. It also helps that I had 20 cupcakes waiting to be

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