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Uwo Psych 2075 Chap 10

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Uwo Psych 2075 Chap 10
Chapter 10
Sexuality and the life cycle: childhood and adolescence

Having sex = sexual intercourse? ↳ 15% thought that genital fondling → having sex ↳ 25% thought that oral sex → having sex
⇒ Having sex ≠ sexual intercourse * Students are more likely to label a behavior as having sex if it occurs in a mixed-sex relationship than in a same-sex relationship * Sex is more than just having heterosexual sexual intercourse

Human sexual development as a process that occurs throughout lifespan ↳ influenced by biological, psychological, social and cultural factors

• Lifespan development: development from birth through old age

Data Sources * Adults being asked about their sexual behavior when they are child * Self-reporting → reporting biases (exaggeration, purposeful concealment) * Forgetting
⇒ The data on childhood sexual behavior may be subjected to errors that result from adults being asked to recall things that happened a very long time ago.

* Interview the children about their sexual behavior or perhaps even to observe their sexual behavior arouse tremendous opposition from parents, religious leaders, and politicians * Face-to-face interview / computer programmed interview
⇒ More children reported sexual experience to the computer than in face-to-face interviews

* The studies of child and adolescent sexual behavior have all been surveys that have used either questionnaires or interviews. No one has made systematic, direct observation of children’s sexual behavior * Sexual attitudes and behavior of children and adolescents in Canada are affected by culture * Canada’s ethno-cultural minorities are influenced by the sexual attitudes, expectations, and parenting practice of their family and community. However, they are also influenced by the dominant Canadian culture as well as by the behavior of their peers from majority culture. → can cause conflict between parents and children

Infancy (O to 2 years) * The capacity of the human body to show a sexual response is present from birth
↳ male: get erections
↳ Female: vaginal lubrication has been found in baby girls in the 24 hours after birth

* The first intimate relationship most children experience is with their mothers * Most activities associated with nurturing and hygienic care of babies are intimate and sensuous since they involve contact with sensitive organs that can produce in the infant a physiological response of a sensuous and sexual nature → indispensable part in the development process

・ Self-Stimulation * Infants are often observed fondling their own genitals * The rhythmic manipulation of the genitals associated with adult masturbation does not occur until age two-and-a half to three years * Most boys and girls will progress from absent-minded fingering of their genitals to systemic masturbation by six to eight * In some cultures adults fondle infant’s genitals to keep them quiet, a remarkably effective pacifier * Orgasms form self-stimulation are possible even at this early age, although before puberty boys are not capable of ejaculation * 엄마와의 관계가 좋은 아기랑 엄마와의 관계에 문제가 있는 아기를 비교해보면, 엄마와의 관계가 좋은 아기가 more likely to stimulate their genitals

・ Infant-Infant Sexual Encounters * Infants and young children are very self-centered * 애기들이 같이 노는거 같지만, 사실상 애기들은 서로의 옆에서 혼자만의 세상에서 노는것임 * Children may kiss, hug, pat, stroke, and gaze at each other, behaviors that are part of erotic intimacy later in life

・ Non-Genital Sensual Experiences * Many of the sensual experiences that infants and young children have are diffuse산만해 and not easily classified as some type of activity * Being cuddled or rocked can also be a warm, sensuous experience

・ Attachment * The quality of the relationship with the parents at this age can be very important to the child’s capacity for later sexual and emotional relationships * Attachment: a psychological bond that forms between an infant and the mother, father, or other caregiver (begins in the hours immediately following birth) * Later, attachments form to other familiar people * The quality of attachments affects the person’s capacity for emotional attachment in adulthood * Adult’s styles of romantic attachment are similar to the kinds of attachment they remember having with their parents in childhood

・ Knowing About Boy-Girl Differences * By age two- and –a-half or three, children know what gender they are * This is first step in developing a gender identity * At first, infants think that the difference between boys and girls is a matter of clothes or haircuts * By age three there may be some awareness of differences in the genital region and increasing interest in the genitals of other children * At ages four to six ideas about gender are very rigid
→ as the child gains experience, these gender beliefs become more flexible

Early Childhood (3 to 7 years) * There is a marked increase in sexual interest and activity, just as there is in activity and interest in general * In general, the children engaged in more sexual behaviors at home than in the daycare

・ Masturbation * Children increasingly gain experience with masturbation during childhood * 1,114 children ages 2 to 5 ↳ 60%boys and 44% girls → child touched his or her own genitals at home ↳ 28% of the boys and 18%of the girls→ used their hand * Children also learn during this period that masturbation is something that one does in private

・ Mixed-Sex Behavior * By the age of four or five, children’s sexuality has become more social * Playing doctor can be a popular game at this age → it generally involves no more than exhibiting one’s own genitals, looking at those of others, and perhaps engaging in a little fondling or touching * 65% of the boys and 64% of the girls had looked at another child’s genitals * 34% of the boys and 20% of the girls had shown their genitals to other children * By about the age of five, children have formed a concept of marriage → play house (엄마/ 아빠놀이) * Some children first learn about heterosexual behavior by seeing or hearing their parents engaging in sexual intercourse, or the primal scene experience * Freud → this experience could inhibit억제하다 the child’s subsequent psychosocial development ↳ 찬성하는 사람도 있고 반대하는 사람도 있음 ↳ about 20% of middle class parents report that their child observed them when the child was four to six years of age → reactions as curiosity, amusement and giggling, or embarrassment and closing the door

・ Same-Sex behavior * During late childhood and preadolescence, sexual play with members of one’s own gender may be more common than sexual play with members of other gender
↳ it is a normal part of sexual development

・ Sex Knowledge and Interests * At age three or four, children begin to have some notion that there are genital differences between males and females, but their ideas are very vague * By age seven, 30% of North American children understand what the differences are * At age three, children are very interested in different postures for urinating (여자애들은 서서 볼일을 보기도 함) / affectionate at this age * At age four, children are particularly interested in bathrooms and elimination * Games of show are also common at this age → less common at age five * Often as early as age three the child is taught by his or her parents not to display or touch certain parts of his or her body, at least in public ↳ Children turn to sex play and their peers for information about sex * In less restrictive societies → children continue to show overt interest in sexual activities through childhood and preadolescence * Society that puts no restrictions on childhood sex play → intercourse may occur as young as age six or seven * 47% of the mothers reported that their child had engaged in interactive sex play ↳ no difference between male and female adolescents

Preadolescence (8 to 12 years) * Period of transition between the years of childhood and the years of puberty and adolescence

* Freud
↳ latency: preadolescent period following the resolution of the Oedipus complex
↳ sexual urges go underground during latency and are not expressed (이건 사실이 아니라고 밝혀짐)

* Around age nine or ten the first bodily changes of puberty begin
↳ formation of breast buds in girls and the growth of pubic hair
↳ Maturation of the adrenal glands → Adrenarche →increased level of androgens → growth of pubic hair

* Average age at which participants reported first experiencing sexual attraction to another person was at age ten * Adult sexual development starts as early as age nine or ten

* The first experience of sexual attraction may lead the child to consider his or her sexual orientation * 성별이 다른 사람한테 끌리면 → heterosexual * 성별이 같은 사람한테 끌리면 → sexual questioning: a time of assessment and interpretation of features of their experience that violates sexual norm
↳ lower scores on global self-worth
↳ perceived themselves as less socially competent than their peer
↳ less attracted to same-sex activities
↳ rated themselves as more gender atypical

・ Masturbation * More and more children gain experience with masturbation * 40% women and 38% men → masturbating before puberty * Boys generally start masturbating earlier than girls do * 42% boys and 20% of girls → masturbating to orgasm by age 12
27% of boys and 18% of girls → masturbating without orgasm

* Boys and girls learn about masturbation in different ways
↳ boys → told about it by their male peers, they see other peers doing it, or they read about it
↳ girls → accidental self-discovery * masturbation 을 일찍하는거랑 sexual adjustment랑은 관련 없음

・ Mixed-Sex Behavior * Little sexual behavior with the other gender → social division of males and females into separate groups * Children commonly hear about sexual intercourse for the first time * 61% adult women reported that having learned about intercourse by age 12 * Children’s reactions → amusing combination of shock and disbelief * More than 80% reported having consensual sexual experiences with another child when they were 6 to 12 years old * Sexual experiences are very common, especially at ages 11 and 12, and involves consensual experience with both boys and girls * The age at which youth have their first consensual sexual intercourse experience has been declining (점점 첫관계를 갖는 나이가 빨라지고 있음) * The majority of Canadians first engage in intercourse between the ages of 16 and 19 * Canadian youth who engage in intercourse during preadolescence are
↳ more likely to report a poor relationship with their parents
↳ having experienced pressure to engage in unwanted sex
↳ having used drugs other than marijuana
↳ believing that they must break the rules to be popular

・ Same-Sex behavior * Gender-segregated social organization: a general form of social grouping in which males play and associate with other males, and females play and associate with other females; that is, the genders are separate from each other ↳ this separation and reaches a peak at around 10 to 12 years of age ↳ at ages 12 to 13 children are simultaneously the most segregated by gender and the most interested in members of the other gender ↳ greater segregation at school than in neighborhood play groups

* 남자애들은 sexual activity를 같이 하는경우가 있으나 여자애들은 그렇지 않음 * Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual youth ages 14 to 21 found that the participants reported their first experience of sexual attraction at age 10 or 11 * Sexual identity development was associated with sexual orientation and sexual behavior

・ Dating and Romantic Relationship * Around age 10 or 11, children begin to spend time in mixed-gender or heterosexual groups * Grades 5 through 8 → frequency of these mixed-gender activities increased steadily over the four grades * Youth typically first experience dyadic paring and their first romantic or sexual behaviors * Dating emerged in Grade 7 * 70% of boys and 77% of girls → who were 12, said that they had had a boyfriend or girlfriend * 82% of boys and 85%of girls → had a boyfriend or girlfriend * Many of these relationships are short-lived * Most lesbian and gay youth do not date those they are moat attracted to out of vary real fear of harassment from their peers ↳ gay and lesbian youth in Canada are more likely to be the victims of harassment and violence than are their heterosexual peers

・ Sexualization of Children * Sexualization occurs when
↳ a person is valued only for sex appeal or behavior
↳ a person is held to a standard that equates physical attractiveness with being sexy
↳ a person is sexually objectified
↳ sexuality is inappropriately imposed upon a person

* Girls - cultural contributions (television and the Internet, in movies, MIV, cartoons, magazines, sport media and sexualized products such as dolls, books, toys and clothing) * Boys – TV shows, videogames, and movies ↳ boys and men should have “buff” bodies / physically powerful and always ready to fight ↳ men sexual pleasure involves aggression and dominant of beautiful women

* To counteract sexualzation ↳ schools – provide media literacy training programs, a broader range of athletic opportunities, & bread-based sexuality education ↳ family – encourage parents to watch TV and movies & navigate the Internet with children, commenting on appropriate and inappropriate content ↳ creating alternative media ↳ creating girl empowerment groups to support girls in a variety of ways can be very effective ↳ parent, educators and boys and girls can engage in activism and resistance

Adolescence (13 to 19 years) * A surge of sexual interest occurs around puberty and continues through adolescence * May caused by
↳ bodily changes and awareness of them
↳ rises in level of sex hormones
↳ increased cultural emphasis on sex
↳ rehearsal for adult gender roles

Udry (1988) – sociological factors and biological factors are potent in adolescent sexuality ↳ studied students in Grades 8, 9, and10, measuring their hormone levels and a number of sociological factors ↳ 35% boy and 14% girls → had engaged in sexual intercourse ↳ for boys, testosterone levels had a very strong relationship to sexual activity ↳ sexually permissive attitudes and a social variable were related to sexuality among boys (much smaller effect than testosterone) ↳ for girls, the relationship between testosterone level and sexual activity was not as strong as it was for boys, but it was a significant relationship (it was testosterone not estrogen or progesterone that was related to sexuality) ↳ sexually permissive attitudes and church attendance influenced the girls’ plans about sexuality ↳ pubertal development has an effect → increasing the girl’s attractiveness ↳ effects of testosterone were accentuated among girls in father absent family ⇒ testosterone levels substantial impact on the sexuality of adolescent boys and girls
⇒ social variables seem to interact with the biological effects

* Gays and lesbian youth found increases in hormone levels with puberty resulted in increases in homoerotic sexual feeling and behaviors * Cognitive changes mediate the effects of these biological and social changes on sexual behavior * Girls who initiated sexual intimacy had weaker abstinence values, and lower arousability and sexual self-esteem scores * Youth who reported that they were likely to engage in sexual intimacy within the next year were more likely to initiate sexual intercourse * Contemporary youth begin masturbating one or two years earlier

・ Masturbation * Kinsey’s study ↳ Sharp increase in the incidence of masturbation for boys between the ages of 13 and 15 – masturbating to orgasm ↳ by age 15, 82% of boys had masturbated ↳ girls – do not begin masturbating until later ↳ increase in their masturbation behavior is much more gradual for girls than for boys and continues past adolescence * A study at University of British Columbia
↳ 80% of the male students & 48% of female students → masturbating at least once
↳Asian students were significantly less likely report having masturbated than were non-Asian students (Male - 85% of non-Asian students / 74% of Asian students) (Female - 59% of non-Asian students / 39% of Asian students)

* 연애중에도 / 94% 남자 % 74% 여자 / → masturbated
↳ satisfying sexual relationship did not affect how likely they were to report masturbating

* 평균적으로 남자는 한달에 8번 여자는 한달에 3번 ・ Attitudes Toward Masturbation * Attitude toward masturbation underwent a dramatic change in the twenty century

Thomas Szasz
↳ psychiatrist
↳ shift in attitudes toward masturbation has been so great that in a generation it has changed from a disease to a form of therapy

・ Same-Sex Behavior * No evidence that adolescent same-sex experiences result from being seduced by adults * One or two experiences → out of curiosity * Youth who are aware of their same-sex attraction in adolescence go on to adopt a gay, lesbian, or bisexual identity, usually within five years

* 보통 애들은 부모님한테 자신의 sexual orientation을 말하지 않는데, 혹시 말하게 되면 아빠보다는 엄마에게 말하고, 엄마가 아빠보다 더 긍정적인 방응을 보여준다 * No increase in the incidence of adolescent same-sex sexual behavior * About 10% of adolescent have same-sex sexual experiences * They have been taught that sexual activity with the other gender is bad but same-sex sexual activity was not mentioned → they infer that it is permissible * Sexual relationships develop form a same-sex friendship of late childhood and adolescence

・ Mixed-Sex Behavior * More and more young people engage in heterosexual sex, with more and more frequency

* 57% male and 74% female → gay, lesbian, or bisexual identities report having engaged in heterosexual activity during adolescence (true for reverse situation) * Only a small % of these youth engage in only same-sex activity and no other sex activity

* % of students reporting having engaged in deep kissing and sexual touching → changed very little over the 14 years * Fewer student reported having engaged in sexual intercourse in 2003 than in 1988

Sexual Intercourse * Premarital sex

・ How Many Youth Engage in Sexual Intercourse? * By age 17, almost half of students report that they have engaged in intercourse * Many sexually experienced youth have had two or more sexual partners * Intercourse 의 횟수는 옛날보다 적지만 요즘은 더 어린나이에 첫경험을 함

* Few women or men have intercourse at age 15 or younger * Younger the women at the time of the survey, the more likely she was to have engaged in intercourse by age 17 * % of men who had engaged in intercourse by age 17 increases steadily for men born up to 1957 but levels off for men born after 1957 * since the 1940s, there has been an increase in the % of men and women who have intercourse by 19
(남자는 지난 20년간 그대로, 여자도 지난 10년간 그대로) * Today, 80% of men and 75% of women have intercourse by age 19

* The age of first intercourse had decreased for both men and women * “Sexual revolution” → greater openness about sexuality and acceptance of sex between people who are not married and other forms of sexual expression, particularly for women

* Teens in Quebec are most likely to report having engaged in sexual intercourse

* For all age groups that included in the National Population Health Survey, immigrants to Canada initiated intercourse at later ages than those born in Canada did * Length of residence in Canada or whether the student had been born in Canadadid not affect the Asian students’ likelihood of having engaged in sexual intercourse

* Lori Brotto ↳ coitally experienced Asian women who were more acculturated into mainstream Canadian culture reported more sexual experiences than did less acculturated Asian women

* % of young women who report recent intercourse is smaller in Latin and South American countries than in African nation * Canada and the Unites State have some of the highest % of unmarried 20 – to – 24 year old respondents having had intercourse although the time frames are longer for the Canadian and American data * There is not much variation in the average age of first intercourse

1. Both in Canada and in most other countries, more adolescents engaged in sexual intercourse 2. Canada a greater increase in incidence for females, thereby narrowing the gap between males and females 3. First intercourse occurring at somewhat earlier age 4. Moderate ethnic-group variations in Canada 5. Substantial variation from one country to another

・ First Intercourse * Decreases in feelings of closeness to parents and in shared activities with them were associated with initiation of sexual intercourse * Adolescents’ perceptions that their parents would disapprove of them engaging in sexual intercourse were unrelated to their behavior

* University students in Ontario, their first sexual intercourse with ↳ 60% serious dating partner ↳ 20% casual dating partner ↳ 16% friend or acquaintance ↳ 4% person they just met * 91% men and 73% women → had a positive emotional reaction to their first intercourse experience

* Virginity as a gift, a stigma, or a process ↳ 선물이라고 생각하면 사랑하는 사람과 첫경험을, 오명이라고 생각하면 모르는 사람이나 사랑하지 않는 사람과 첫경험을 함 ・ Techniques in Adolescent Sex * Increase in the incidence of sexual intercourse → increase in the variety of techniques that are used during sex * One of most dramatic changes has been the increased use of oral-genital techniques ↳ cannot cause pregnancy ↳ lower risk of contracting an STI ↳ maintain their virginity * The rate of oral-genital activity is only slightly higher than the rate reported in the Canada youth and AIDS Study a decade before * Young people today also use a greater variety of positions ・ Attitudes Toward Adolescent Sexual Intercourse * Ira Reiss 1. Abstinence – intercourse outside of marriage is considered wrong for both males and females, regardless of the circumstances 2. Permissiveness with affection – intercourse is permissive for both males and females if it occurs in the context of a stable relationship that involves love, commitment, or being engaged 3. Permissiveness without affection – intercourse is permissive for both males and females, regardless of emotional commitment, simply on the basis of physical attraction 4. Double standard – intercourse outside of marriage is acceptable for males but is not acceptable for females. Orthodox → double standard holds regardless the couple’s relationship Transitional → sex is considered acceptable for the women if she is in love or engaged
옛날에는 1번 & 4번이 주 생각이였다면 지금은 82%의 어린애들이 3번으로 생각

* More people approve of premarital sex today than did so in 1975 * Baby boomers are more likely to approve of premarital sex than are people who are either younger or older than them

・ Motives for having Sexual Intercourse * Expressing love or affection for the partner → 많은 여자애들의 이유 * Experiencing physical arousal or desire * Wanting to please the partner * Feeling pressure from peers * Wanting physical pleasure → 많은 남자아이들의 이유 * Curiosity / Experimentation

* Most common reasons for not engaging in sexual intercourse were ↳ not feeling ready ↳ not having had the opportunity ↳ not having met the right person

・ Adolescent Romantic Relationships * Being in an exclusive relationship earlier creates both more of a demand for sexual activity and more legitimacy for it * Sexual intimacy is made respectable by being in a committed relationship, regardless how short-term * The most common adolescent sexual pattern to be serial monogamy without marriage

Serial monogamy: a premarital sexual pattern in which there is an intention of being faithful to the partner, but the relationship may end and the person will then move on to another partner

* Mixed-gender activities → dyadic dating → serious of special relationship

Hooking up: a sexual encounter that usually occurs on one occasion involving people who are strangers or acquaintances ↳ Ambiguous and covers everything from kissing to oral sex or sexual intercourse * Without hookup experience were much more likely to be in long-term romantic relationship * Men were significantly more likely to report hookups involving intercourse

・ Internet Use, Risk, and Sexting * Online communication stimulates self-disclosure * People disclosure more personal information online because the reduced auditory and visual cues of online communication make them less concerned about how others will react * Self-disclosure enhances relationship quality → improve personal well being

Sexting: sending sexually charged messages or images by cellphone ↳ rapidly gaining national attention ↳ 59% of young adults & 39% of teens → have sent or posted sexually suggestive messages by text, email, or IM ↳ 33% young adults & 20% of teens → have sent or posted nude or semi-nude pictures or videos of themselves * Uses of technology may enhance one’s relationships and sexual experience * Consequences are more negative for women

・ Condom Use * Fewer adolescents use a condom every time they have intercourse, despite the fact that condoms provide protection from sexually transmitted infections * Used most frequently at the beginning of relationships or in casual encounters, and adolescents are likely to stop using condoms and switch to the birth control pill as they get to know a partner better * 많은 학생들이 자신들이 성관계를 했을때 성병에 걸리지 않을거라고 생각함 * 심지어 에이즈에 걸려도 치료를해 회복할수 있다고 생각함 * Teenagers are particularly likely to underestimate their cumulative risks * Positive attitude towards condom → more likely to use condoms * 술마시고 성관계를 하면 위험한 행동을 할 가능성이 더 높아짐

Alcohol myopia theory
- Firstly , impelling cues → being sexually aroused → more immediate and vivid
- Then, inhibiting cues → alcohol intoxication → engage in risky behaviors even when this behavior is not consistent with their attitudes and intentions when they are sober
- The impelling cues are made stronger, intoxicated individuals report higher intentions to use condoms than when they are sober ・ Teen Pregnancy * Adolescents are not consistent in using contraceptive to prevent unwanted pregnancy * 2.5 % of Canadian teenager became a mother (2005) * The rate of teenage pregnancy in Canada is less than half that of the United States and England and Wales, but significantly higher than France, Germany, and other northern European countries

- Lowest teen pregnancy rate → Sweden, & France
- Intermediate → Canada & Great Britain
- Highest rate → Unites States

→ Five primary factors that contributes these differences 1. The rate are higher in countries in which teenagers are less likely to use effective contraception 2. Teenagers from poor and disadvantaged families are less likely to use contraception 3. National programs that support the transition to adult economic roles and parenthood provide young people with greater incentives and means to delay childbearing 4. Countries with lower rates have greater societal acceptance of sexual activity among young people 5. Teenagers are more likely to use contraceptives if they know where to obtain information and services, can reach a provider easily, are assured of receiving confidential, nonjudgmental services, and can obtain contraceptive supplies at little or no cost

* The teenager pregnancy rate has dropped substantially in the past fifteen years, especially among younger teenagers * 45% of teenagers who get pregnant give birth to a child and infants born to teenagers are more likely to have health problems * Most of these birth are to single mothers from low income homes, so having baby as a teenager may limit the mother’s economic and education opportunities - A Nova Scotia study ↳ unmarried mothers of all ages were most dissatisfied with their educational achievement ↳ 52% of the single teenage mothers lived in poverty ↳ the young unmarried mothers made the most economic gains over the ten years, but they never caught up to the older married group Grindstaff
↳ the younger women were at the birth of their first child, the less education they tended to have and the more limited their job opportunities were
↳ the early marriage was also associated with less successful employment outcomes
↳ teenager mothers are more likely to marry in their teens, on average have more children, and have lower incomes than women who were adult mothers

⇒ less education and lower income → negative consequences of teenage mother

* Two critical factors for successful outcomes 1. finishing high school (going for even more education) 2. postponing other birth

* Important to have social programs to assist adolescent mothers in finishing high school as well as effective sex education programs and access to contraception Sexuality and Adolescent Development * Furman → behavioral sequence parallels a developmental one * One important consequence of this process is the development of a sexual identity with regard to orientation and sexual attractiveness * The process of establishing sexual identity may be different for males and females * Many social and cultural arrangements facilitate the emergence of heterosexual relationships and at the same time deter gay and lesbian relationships * Sexuality is an integral part of adolescent development

How Common In Casual Sex on Holiday? * Students perceive spring break as a time in which norms, roles, attitudes, and behaviors are more permissive and the usual expectations about behavior (including sexual activity) * They also perceive that causal sex is common

* 봄방학때 플로리다에 놀러온 학생들을 조사함
↳ the men were more accepting of causal sex and more interested in engaging in casual sex than the women were
↳ condom use is part of the spring break script for causal sex for most students
↳ they were more likely to have intended to engage in causal sex and to have engaged in casual sex previous spring break holiday
↳ peer influences affected men’s intentions to engage in causal sex but not their behavior
↳ many students engage in sexual “fooling around” on spring break (sexual activity but not intercourse)

Five things to think about before pressing send 1. Don’t assume anything you sent or is going to remain private 2. There is no changing your mind in cyberspace – anything you sent or post will never truly go away 3. Don’t give in to the pressure to do something that makes you uncomfortable, even in cyberspace 4. Consider the recipient’s reaction 5. Nothing is truly anonymous

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    Birth Control in Schools

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    Social scientists and educators have suggested a wide variety of explanations for how schools reduce sexual risk-taking behavior. Some of their explanations have observed research supporting them, while others are credible, but lack supporting research. For example, educators concerned with adolescent sexual behavior have suggested that:…

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  • Good Essays

    Notably one of the obstacles that the UN still faces today when it comes to eliminating the various abuses based on gender identities and sexual orientation, can be characterized by cultures’ extreme disapproval of any sexual orientation or gender identity that opposes the perceived norm that is rationalized in the subjective name of protecting the purity of children (Joseph, 1994). The nature of this obstacle runs parallel to why within some cultures adolescent sexuality is feared. In Schalet’s (2004) article “Must we Fear Adolescent Sexuality”, she analyzes the boundaries of traditional religions’ infused morals that arguably inhibit sexual political liberation on the basis of the…

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  • Good Essays

    Little, B., & Rankin, A. (2001). Why do they start it? explaining reported early-teen sexual activity. Sociological Forum, 16(4), 703-729.…

    • 1324 Words
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    Sexual Curiosity

    • 540 Words
    • 3 Pages

    As sexuality takes on new meaning, elementary aged children become more secretive about exploration (playing doctor with a friend, for example) and gradually become more modest about their bodies. They are curious about romantic and sexual fantasies, but often are vague or confused about details.…

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  • Powerful Essays

    Adolescence represents a critical period in the transition from childhood to adulthood including the development of their sexuality (Patton and Viner, 2007). This stage is characterizes by adventures that are either normative or aberrant, were teenager are very active when it comes to sexual experimentation because this is the stage where a woman and a man has a higher rates of aggressiveness towards sex. Various studies have reported common risky sexual behaviors and the associated consequences among adolescence.…

    • 6493 Words
    • 26 Pages
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