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Syllabus Eng 221

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Syllabus Eng 221
Syllabus ENG/221


College of Information Systems & Technology ENG/221 Version 5 Technical Writing Fundamentals
Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Course Description This course covers the fundamentals and best practices of using written communication in business and in the information technologies. Topics include strategies, techniques, and nuances for producing e-mails, memos, reports, proposals, project specifications, and user manuals, as well as other technical documents. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Dobrin, S. I., Keller, C. J., & Weisser, C. R. (2010). Technical communication in the twenty-first century (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Gerson, S. J., & Gerson, S. M. (2012). Technical communication: Process and product (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Rubrics for all assignments are incorporated herein by reference. These are available in the Course Materials forum on the Online Learning System website. Administrative posts made in the Main forum and in the Course Materials forum of the Online Learning System website are incorporated herein by reference. All electronic materials are available on the student website.

Syllabus ENG/221


Available Points Assignment Biography Time Zone Wk 1 Individual: Workplace Communication Comparison Wk 1 Individual: SkillSoft® LT Wk 1: Learning Team Charter WK 1: REQUIRED DQ Wk 1: DQ 1 Wk 1: DQ 2 Wk 1: Weekly Summary Wk 1: Participation TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS FOR WEEK 1 Wk 2 Individual: Corporate Memos Wk 2 Individual: SkillSoft® Wk 2 Learning Team Assignment Wk 2 DQ 1 Wk 2 DQ 2 Wk 2 Weekly Summary Wk 2 Participation TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS FOR WEEK 2 Wk 3 Individual Assignment Wk 3 Individual: SkillSoft® Wk 3 Manual Outline Wk 3 LT Presentation Headings Wk 3 DQ 1 Wk 3 DQ 2 Wk 3 Weekly Summary Wk 3 Participation TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS FOR WEEK 3 Wk 4 Individual Wk 4 LT: Manual 1st Draft Wk 4 LT: Presentation 1st Draft Wk 4 DQ 1 Wk 4 DQ 2 Wk 4 Weekly Summary Wk 4 Participation TOTAL POINTS FOR WEEK 4 Week 5 Individual: SkillSoft® Week 5 LT: Manual Week 5 LT: Presentation Wk 5 DQ 1 Wk 5 DQ 2 Wk 5 Weekly Summary Wk 5 Participation TOTAL POINTS FOR WEEK 5 Possible Points 15 15 60 0 5 15 15 15 10 40 190 60 0 30 15 15 10 40 170 65 0 15 5 15 15 10 40 165 75 50 15 15 15 10 40 220 0 120 55 15 15 10 40 255

Syllabus ENG/221


ASSIGNMENT TYPE Biography Time Zone Individual Graded Assignments SkillSoft® Assignments Discussion Question Responses Participation Weekly Summary TOTAL INDIVIDUAL TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE Learning Team Charter Learning Team Week 2 Learning Team Week 3 - Manual Learning Team Week 3 - Presentation Learning Team Week 4 - Manual Learning Team Week 4 - Presentation Learning Team Week 5 - Manual Learning Team Week 5 - Presentation TOTAL LEARNING TEAM TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE FOR COURSE

POSSIBLE POINTS 15 15 260 0 165 200 50 705 5 30 15 5 50 15 120 55 295 1,000

Syllabus ENG/221


Week One: The Technical Writing Process
Objectives 1.1 Identify how writing methods are used in the corporate environment. 1.2 Compare differences between technical and expository writing. Read the Week One Read Me First. Read Ch. 1, “An Introduction to Technical Communication,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 2, “The Communication Process: Prewriting, Writing, and Rewriting,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 3, “Clarity, Conciseness, Accuracy, and Ethics in Technical Communication,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Introduce yourself to the class in the Chat forum Post your time zone in the Chat forum Please note that “Arizona” is not a time zone. Mountain Standard Time, MST, GMT-7 are all expressions of the same time zone. Please use one of the above standard expressions of your time zone. Participation Post as in-;line text your class participation responses in the Main forum in response to my and your fellow students’ DQ responses and participation posts. You must make four (4) substantive participation postings over the course of the week. Please see the Instructor Policies document for the definition of “substantive” participation postings. Post your substantive response to the Required Discussion Question in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.” Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.” Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.” Post a 50-200-word summary of your learning for the week in 4 out of 7 days 40 (10 points each) Thurs, 06/20/201 3 Thurs, 06/20/13 Sun 06/23/13 Mon, 15

Mon 06/24/13 Mon 06/24/13 Mon 06/24/13 Mon 06/24/13 Mon 06/24/13 Wed, 06/19/13 Wed, 06/19/13


Reading Reading Reading Reading

0 0 0 0

Autobiography Time Zone

15 15

Required Discussion Question Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Weekly Summary




Syllabus ENG/221


Week One: The Technical Writing Process
response to the thread for the Weekly Summary in the Main forum (this thread will be posted on Saturday)



Week One: The Technical Writing Process
Individual Workplace Communication Comparison Individual Certificate of Originality Supporting Activity Establish Your Purpose and the Delivery Medium Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Workplace Communication Comparison located on the student website.

Mon, 06/24/13


E-Sign the Certificate of Originality and submit it with your Individual assignment Resources: SkillSoft (2012). Writing for Technical Professionals: Preparation and Planning. Complete Establish Your Purpose and the Delivery Medium module in Skillport. Post a screen shot of your completed module in your Individual forum.

Mon, 06/24/13 Mon, 06/24/13



Learning Team Team Charter

Discuss with your Learning Team (to be assigned on Thursday) the strengths and weaknesses each member brings to the team. Prepare the Learning Team Charter (form located in your Learning Team forum). Obtain the buy-in for the Charter of each team member, as shown by that member’s signature on the Charter (you may NOT sign for another student). If you have team members who do not appear in the Learning Team forum, do not worry; your team will not have points deducted. Select one member of your Learning Team to hand in the assignment for the team. Also select one back-up team member to hand in the assignment if the selected member does not do so by a team-selected time.

SUN, 06/23/13


Learning Team Certificate of Originality

E-Sign the Certificate of Originality in your Learning Team’s forum and ONE MEMBER of the team submit it with the Learning Team’s assignment

SUN, 06/23/13


Syllabus ENG/221


Week One: The Technical Writing Process
Learning Team Instructions User Manual and Presentation (Preparation) Begin preparation for completing the User Manual and Presentation due in Week Five. Select one of the following tools as the focus of your user manual and presentation: Student website University Library Virtual Organizations Online discussion forums Write a 15- to 20-page user manual, double spaced with 12-point type size, for your selected tool. DO NOT EXCEED THE PAGE COUNT. Provide effective, clear, concise, accurate, and coherent written communication that introduces first-time University of Phoenix students to your tool. Include the following items in your manual: Table of contents Headers and footers that include page numbers, copyright information, and other necessary information Headings Appropriate font Written instructions for accessing, navigating, and using the selected tool Visual elements, such as images, flowcharts, tables, and screenshots Effective page layout, including the order of information, use of whitespace, and highlighting Terminology definitions, a key to define any symbols or diagrams used, and any other necessary information to help the user navigate the manual Create a 7- to 10-slide annotated or narrated Microsoft ® PowerPoint presentation that could be presented in a student orientation meeting to introduce your team’s tool. Include the following in your presentation: Speaker notes Introduction slide Conclusion slide Headings Graphics Easy-to-read fonts Appropriate contrast

Week 5


Syllabus ENG/221


Week One: The Technical Writing Process
Effective slide design and layout, including the amount of information and use of white space Note. For tips on how to add narration to your presentation, refer to the University of Phoenix Material: Recording a Narration located on the student website.



Syllabus ENG/221


Week 1 Summary of Deliverables Deliverable
Autobiography Time Zone Wk 1 Individual Assignment and COO Wk 1 SklilSoft Supporting Activity Wk 1 Required DQ Wk 1 DQ 1 Wk 1 DQ 2 Class Participation (4 substantive posts)

Wed 06/19/13 Wed. 06/19/13 Mon 06/24/13 Mon 06/24/13 Thurs 06/20/13 Thurs 06/20/13 Sun 06/23/13 4 days of your choice; final day is Mon 06/24/13 Mon 06/24/13 Sun 06/23/13

Weekly Summary Learning Team Charter and COO

Syllabus ENG/221


Week Two: Technical Writing in the Corporate Environment
Objectives 2.1 Identify intellectual property issues in the corporate environment. 2.2 Design a memo with appropriate formatting for the corporate environment. Read the Week Two Read Me First. Read Ch. 4, “Communicating Effectively to Your Audience in a Multicultural World,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 6, “Routine Correspondence—Memos, Letters, E-mail Messages, Instant Messages, and Text Messages,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 4, “Ethics and the Workplace Writer,” of Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Read Ch. 6, “Researching and Evaluating Source Material,” of Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Post as in-;line text your class participation responses in the Main forum in response to my and your fellow students’ DQ responses and participation posts. You must make four (4) substantive participation postings over the course of the week. Please see the Instructor Policies document for the definition of “substantive” participation postings. Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.” Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.” Post a 50-200-word summary of your learning for the week in response to the thread for the Weekly Summary in the Main forum (this thread will be posted on Saturday) Web Conferencing Programs Research Memo Read the following scenario: Your manager wants to use web conferencing to hold weekly status meetings, but has not decided on a web-conferencing program. You

Mon 07/01/13


Reading Reading

Mon 07/01/13 Mon 07/01/13 Mon 07/01/13 Mon 07/01/13 Mon 07/01/13 4 of 7 days Final day is Mon 07/01/13 Thurs, 06/27/13 Sun 06/30/13 Mon, 07/01/13 Mon 07/01/13

0 0



Reading Reading Participation

0 0 40 (10 points each) 15

Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Weekly Summary



Individual Corporate Memos


Syllabus ENG/221


Week Two: Technical Writing in the Corporate Environment
have been assigned to do some basic research on available web conferencing programs. Research and compare at least three, preferably more, web conferencing programs using the Internet. Write a memo to your manager that describes the web conferencing program you believe is the best choice. Explain why you selected this program. Include a list of all web conferencing programs you reviewed. Explain why you did not select the other web-conferencing programs. Consider using a table to present your references. Format the memo properly for management review. Use the course texts as a resource. Include a minimum of three citations from your research.



Individual Certificate of Originality Supporting Activity Intellectual Property Overview

E-Sign the Certificate of Originality and submit it with your Individual assignment Resources: SkillSoft (2012). Intellectual Property Overview. Complete Intellectual Property Overview module in Skillport. Post a screen shot of your completed module in your Individual forum.

Mon, 07/01/13 Mon 07/01/13



Learning Team Topic Selection

Choose, as a team, one topic listed as your team’s topic for the manual and presentation final project. Write a one-page double-spaced paper, using APA format, disclosing your choice and the process you used to make that choice.

SUN 06/30/13


Learning Team Certificate of Originality

E-Sign the Certificate of Originality in your Learning Team’s forum and ONE MEMBER of the team submit it with the Learning Team’s assignment

SUN, 06/30/13


Syllabus ENG/221


Week 2 Summary of Deliverables Deliverable
Wk 2 Individual Assignment and COO Wk 2 SklilSoft Supporting Activity Wk 2 DQ 1 Wk 2 DQ 2 Class Participation (4 substantive posts)

Mon 07/01/13 Mon 07/01/13 Thurs 06/27/13 Sun 06/30/13 4 days of your choice; final day is Mon 07/01/13 Mon 07/01/13 Sun 06/30/13

Weekly Summary Learning Team Memo and COO

Syllabus ENG/221


Week Three: Writing Reports and Proposals
Objectives Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Participation 3.1 Implement effective document design in technical writing. 3.2 Develop a request for proposal. Read the Week Three Read Me First. Read Ch. 9, “Document Design,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 10, “Using Visual Aids in Technical Communication,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 16, “Short, Informal Reports,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 17, “Long, Formal Reports,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 18, “Proposals,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 20, “Proposals and Requests for Proposals,” of Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Post as in-;line text your class participation responses in the Main forum in response to my and your fellow students’ DQ responses and participation posts. You must make four (4) substantive participation postings over the course of the week. Please see the Instructor Policies document for the definition of “substantive” participation postings. Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.”

Mon 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 4 of 7 days Final day is Mon 07/08/13 Wed, 07/03/13 Take the 4th of July off and enjoy the fireworks! Sun 07/07/13 Mon, 07/08/13

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 (10 points each) 15

Discussion Question 1

Discussion Question 2 Weekly Summary

Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.” Post a 50-200-word summary of your learning for the week in response to the thread for the Weekly Summary in the Main forum (this thread will be posted on Saturday)



Syllabus ENG/221


Week Three: Writing Reports and Proposals
Individual Request for Proposal Read the following scenario: You are a manager or supervisor of a company, and you need to ® ® acquire trainers to train your staff on using Microsoft Office programs. You must request proposals from various training companies and trainers to fill this need. Write a 3- to 5-page (double-spaced, 12-point type) request for proposal (RFP) and include the following: Introduction to the document o o Description of the document Navigational information

Mon 07/08/13


Introduction to the company o o Description of your company Your company’s business goals

Introduction to the project o o o o Project goals Time allocated to complete the project Budget for the project Description of the needed training

Administrative information o o o o o o o o Desired qualifications Requirements for formatting and submitting proposals Confidentiality notice of all proposal submissions Employer and organizational reference requirements Contact information for clarification or questions Deadline for proposal submission Timeframe for vendor selection Selection criteria

Other items that may be important for inquiring candidates

Format the RFP using examples from your textbooks or additional

Syllabus ENG/221


Week Three: Writing Reports and Proposals
research and consistent with APA guidelines. The following must be included: Cover page Page numbers Headers and footers Headings Individual Certificate of Originality Supporting Activity The Essentials of Technical Writing E-Sign the Certificate of Originality and submit it with your Individual assignment Resources: SkillSoft (2012). Writing for Technical Professionals: Effective Writing Techniques. Complete The Essentials of Technical Writing module in Skillport. Post a screen shot of your completed module in your Individual forum. Learning Team: Manual Outline Develop, as a team, the outline for your Manual using the subject you chose in Week 2. Ensure your outline is complete to at least three levels. You MUST use Microsoft Word for this assignment. See Week 1 for the requirements for the contents of the User Manual. Learning Team Certificate of Originality: Manual Learning Team: Presentation Headings E-Sign the Certificate of Originality in your Learning Team’s forum and ONE MEMBER of the team submit it with the Learning Team’s assignment Develop, as a team, the main headings for your Presentation using the subject you chose in Week 2. You MUST use Microsoft PowerPoint for this assignment. See Week 1 for the requirements for the contents of the Presentation. Learning Team Certificate of Originality: Presentation E-Sign the Certificate of Originality in your Learning Team’s forum and ONE MEMBER of the team submit it with the Learning Team’s assignment SUN, 07/07/13 0 SUN, 07/07/13 SUN, 07/07/13 0 SUN 07/07/13 15 Mon, 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 0





Syllabus ENG/221


Week 3 Summary of Deliverables Deliverable
Wk 3 Individual Assignment and COO Wk 3 SklilSoft Supporting Activity Wk 3 DQ 1

Mon 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 Wed 07/03/13 Take the 4th of July off and enjoy the fireworks!

Wk 3 DQ 2 Class Participation (4 substantive posts)

Sun 07/07/13 4 days of your choice; final day is Mon 07/08/13 Mon 07/08/13 Sun 07/07/13 Sun 07/07/13

Weekly Summary Learning Team Manual Outline (.doc or .docx) and COO Learning Team Presentation Headings (.ppt or .pptx) and COO

Syllabus ENG/221


Week Four: Writing Technical Instructions and User Manuals
Objectives 4.1 Determine criteria for writing a user manual. 4.2 Develop a user manual with appropriate visual elements. 4.3 Design effective written communication for user manuals and technical instructions. Read the Week Four Read Me First. Read Ch. 12, “Technical Descriptions and Process Analyses,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 13, “Instructions, User Manuals, and Standard Operating Procedures,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 18, “Technical Instructions,” of Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Read Ch. 19, “Manuals,” of Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Post as in-;line text your class participation responses in the Main forum in response to my and your fellow students’ DQ responses and participation posts. You must make four (4) substantive participation postings over the course of the week. Please see the Instructor Policies document for the definition of “substantive” participation postings. Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.” Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.”

Mon 07/15/13


Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Participation

Mon 07/15/13 Mon 07/15/13 Mon 07/15/13 Mon 07/15/13 Mon 07/15/13 4 of 7 days Final day is Mon 07/15/13 Thurs, 07/11/13 Sun 07/14/13

0 0 0 0 0 40 (10 points each) 15

Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2


Syllabus ENG/221


Week Four: Writing Technical Instructions and User Manuals
Weekly Summary Post a 50-200-word summary of your learning for the week in response to the thread for the Weekly Summary in the Main forum (this thread will be posted on Saturday)

Mon, 07/15/13 (you may, of course, hand your assignme nt in early to avoid the Memorial Day due date) Mon, 07/15/13 (you may, of course, hand your assignme nt in early to avoid the Memorial Day due date) Mon, 07/15/13 SUN 07/14/13


Individual User Manual Critique

Write a 2- to 3-page critique of an online user manual. You may download manuals for various products from or other websites of your choice. Include the manual link in your submission. Identify and describe the criteria you used to critique the selected manual. Provide at least five criteria. Provide positive and negative examples from the online manual that represent each aspect of your designated criteria. Format your critique consistent with APA guidelines.


Individual Certificate of Originality Learning Team: Manual First Draft

E-Sign the Certificate of Originality and submit it with your Individual assignment Write the first draft of the Manual based on the outline you developed in Week 3. Clearly define your audience in your manual. Ensure you speak directly to your audience. See Week 1 for the requirements for the contents of the User Manual.



Learning Team Certificate of Originality: Manual Learning Team: Presentation First Draft

E-Sign the Certificate of Originality in your Learning Team’s forum and ONE MEMBER of the team submit it with the Learning Team’s assignment Write the first draft of the Presentation based on the headings you developed in Week 3. Clearly define your audience in your presentation. Ensure you

SUN, 07/14/13 SUN 07/14/13



Syllabus ENG/221


Week Four: Writing Technical Instructions and User Manuals
speak directly to your audience. See Week 1 for the requirements for the contents of the Presentation. Learning Team Certificate of Originality: Presentation E-Sign the Certificate of Originality in your Learning Team’s forum and ONE MEMBER of the team submit it with the Learning Team’s assignment SUN, 07/14/13 0



Syllabus ENG/221


Week 4 Summary of Deliverables Deliverable
Wk 4 Individual Assignment and COO Wk 4 DQ 1 Wk 4 DQ 2 Class Participation (4 substantive posts)

Mon 07/15/13 Thurs 07/11/13 Sun 07/14/13 4 days of your choice; final day is Mon 07/15/13 Mon 07/15/13 Sun 07/14/13 Sun 07/14/13

Weekly Summary Learning Team Manual Outline (.doc or .docx) and COO Learning Team Presentation Headings (.ppt or .pptx) and COO

Syllabus ENG/221


Week Five: Preparing Presentations
Objectives Reading Reading Reading Reading Participation 5.1 Implement effective layout and design in presentations. 5.2 Develop a professional slideshow presentation. Read the Week Five Read Me First. Read Ch. 19, “Oral Communication,” of Technical Communication Process and Product. Read Ch. 5, “Technical Communication in a Transnational World,” of Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Read Ch. 23, “Presentations,” of Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Post as in-;line text your class participation responses in the Main forum in response to my and your fellow students’ DQ responses and participation posts. You must make four (4) substantive participation postings over the course of the week. Please see the Instructor Policies document for the definition of “substantive” participation postings. Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.” Post your substantive response to one of the Discussion Questions in the Main forum as in-line text. See the Instructor Policies document for what constitutes a “substantive response.” Post a 50-200-word summary of your learning for the week in response to the thread for the Weekly Summary in the Main forum (this thread will be posted on Saturday) Resources: SkillSoft (2012). Basic Presentation Skills: Creating a Presentation. Complete Basic Presentation Skills: Creating a Presentation module in Skillport. Post a screen shot of your completed module in your Individual forum.

Mon 07/22/13 Mon 07/22/13 Mon 07/22/13 Mon 07/22/13 Mon 07/22/13 4 of 7 days Final day is Mon 07/22/13 Thurs, 07/18/13 Sun 07/21/13 Mon 07/22/13 Mon 07/22/13

0 0 0 0 0 40 (10 points each) 15

Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Weekly Summary



Supporting Activity Basic Presentation Skills: Creating a Presentation


Syllabus ENG/221


Week Five: Preparing Presentations
Learning Team User Manual Finalize and submit the user manual. See Week 1 for the requirements for the contents of the User Manual. Note that this Week 5 Learning Team assignment is due on Monday, not on Sunday. Learning Team Certificate of Originality: Manual Learning Team User Manual Presentation E-Sign the Certificate of Originality in your Learning Team’s forum and ONE MEMBER of the team submit it with the Learning Team’s assignment Finalize and submit the user manual presentation. See Week 1 for the requirements for the contents of the Presentation. Note that this Week 5 Learning Team assignment is due on Monday, not on Sunday. Learning Team Certificate of Originality: Presentation E-Sign the Certificate of Originality in your Learning Team’s forum and ONE MEMBER of the team submit it with the Learning Team’s assignment Mon, 07/22/13 0 Mon, 07/22/13 Mon 07/22/13 0

Mon 07/22/13



Syllabus ENG/221


Week 5 Summary of Deliverables Deliverable
Wk 5 SklilSoft Supporting Activity Wk 5 DQ 1 Wk 5 DQ 2 Class Participation (4 substantive posts)

Mon 07/22/13 Thurs 07/18/13 Sun 07/21/13 4 days of your choice; final day is Mon 07/22/13 Mon 07/22/13 Mon 07/22/13 Mon 07/22/13

Weekly Summary Learning Team Manual Outline (.doc or .docx) and COO Learning Team Presentation Headings (.ppt or .pptx) and COO

Syllabus ENG/221


©2013, University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix® editorial standards and practices.

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