
Love's Vocabulary Analysis

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Love's Vocabulary Analysis
You ever wonder what the word love can do to a man. An aspect of the word love is emotions because it can be separated into three parts, happiness, sadness and anger. Love is a very power word that can be wonderful when it’s used wisely.

According to Love’s Vocabulary by Diane Ackerman it claimed that “we think of love as a positive force that somehow ennobles the one feeling it.” For example on page 164 lines 52-53it stated, “When a friend confesses that he’s in love, we congratulate him.” Love is a wonderful and beautiful thing to encounter. You ever loved someone so much that they put a smile on your face every time you see them, or feel millions of butterflies in the stomach. Why should we be ashamed of an emotion so natural? According to the text there was a Frenchman who believed that “love makes the world go round,” but the way love seeps into the machinery of life to keep generations after generations in motion.
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Parting is more than sweet sorrow, it pulls you apart when you are glued together.” A sixteen year old girl who was in a relationship, but later broke up can cause sadness. Being heartbroken can also makes a lot of people scared of being in a relationship with another person. Based on the information in the text on lines 104-107 it states “we are afraid to face love head on. We think of it as a sort of traffic accident of the heart. It is an emotion that scares us more than cruelty, more than violence, more than hatred.” It’s sad that when the word love is used it really doesn’t have that felling beside it to make it as strong as it was before. For example I love this haircut, I love those shoes, I’m falling in love with my car, and we talk about love in increment or unwieldy

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