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Cache Level 3 Communication, Language and Literacy Development

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Cache Level 3 Communication, Language and Literacy Development
Communication, Language and Literacy

0-9 Months * Has a variety of sounds used for communication such as squealing, babbling, laughing, crying and gurgling. * Can make sounds in response to stimulation and interaction. * Can use sounds to communicate their feelings of discomfort, pleasure and contentment. * Can listen to and respond intonations and the sounds in familiar voices.

9 – 18 Months * Can begin to use single words to convey simple needs and wants. * Can understand simple sentences and instruction in rhymes such as “clap hands”. * Are able to learn new words quickly and use them when the matter interests them, such as car, lorry, cow etc. * Likes to look at pictures in books and can point out and say some words in relation to the picture and can point out things when asked even if they can’t say the word e.g. – “can you see the tractor” * Can move arms and hands with increasing control to manipulate and grasp and can begin to mark make.
18 months – 3 years * Can begin to use 2 and 3 words sentences and make simple statements, using language to widen contacts, share feelings, experiences and thoughts. * Can join in with simple rhymes and songs, using intonation. * Begin to question why things happen and can repeat, simply, using key words the reply e.g. car broken, water gone. * Can respond to 2 – 3 words in an instruction e.g. “put the car in the box”. * In later months can listen and respond to others in a group for play, communicating with each other in relation to the activity, using a wider range of words to express ideas. * Show preferences for certain songs, rhymes or stories and can anticipate what happens next. * Can describe things that are of importance to them such as a favourite toy, an outing or a favourite programme by 3 years. * Using language to describe ownership such as “mine doll”, “Ryan car”, “My hungry” * Beginning to form letters when mark making and can recognise their name in written form. * Show some interest in the illustration and text within a book & can handle a book carefully, turning individual pages, holding the book the right way up. * Can distinguish between marks that they make and can make sense of the marks they and others make. * Begin to show increased control with mark making tools and equipment.
3 – 7 years * Begin to use more complex sentences and by 7 years using fully formed sentences. * Have great confidence interacting and speaking to others, taking turns in conversation, putting across ideas. * Can initiate conversation and take account of what others say, often repeating it in later conversation. * Can take on factual information to formulate opinions and arguments. * Enjoy listening and respond to stories, songs, music, rhyme and poems and can make up their own. * Use writing as a means of recording and communicating. * In early years often using favourite rhymes and songs in play such as singing “Happy birthday” when playing a tea party game. * By 3-4 can recognise all letters in the alphabet, write their own name and begin to be able to read some words. * Can use phonic sounds to form and write words and in later years to make phonetical attempts at more complex words. * Start to see how stories are structured and the differences between fiction and non-fiction, also to be able to recognise the information contained within.
7 – 11 years * Are able to use a large range of printed forms to gather information and use it in their own work and learning. * Enjoy reading for pleasure and show preferences for a particular author or genre. * Are able to write legibly and form work in context with punctuation and structure. * Can use language well and adapt it to social situations. * Can begin to structure poems, songs and jokes with their peers and have the confidence to show them to others. * Can start to make constructive arguments based in information learnt and gathered. * Can read and produce a large range of types of texts and forms of printed word.
11 – 19 years * Able to create longer, more structured pieces of written work. * Can use multiple sources of media in order to gather information.

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