
BCOM/275 Demonstrative Communication Research Paper

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BCOM/275 Demonstrative Communication Research Paper
Demonstrative Communication
Dave Koskinen
April 12, 2014
Michael W. Simmons

Demonstrative communication, otherwise known as nonverbal communication, is the portion of communication that does not include the spoken word. Nonverbal communication is the expressive signals one sends out, usually subconsciously, that help a person communicate clearly and effectively. The study of nonverbal communication includes seven different expressive variations: Chronemics, proxemics, oculesics, kinesics, haptics, vocalics, and personal style. Each one of these mostly subconscious conveyances plays an important role to both the message sender and receiver in the communication process. There is an abundance of nonverbal, emotional
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Variations within these indicators can change the meaning of a message dramatically. The use of a high pitched, urgent tone can convey a message that is very different to one sent in a low, calm, hushed tone of voice. Nervous or calm, excited or sleepy: these can all be gleaned through vocalics. Personal style is the form of communication that has to do with the way one chooses to project their image outward through dress, hairstyle, and accessories. A person with a 3-foot, pink Mohawk and wearing a leather motorcycle jacket with studs on the collar is going to convey an entirely different message than someone with a trendy haircut in an Armani suit would. Even though appearances can be misleading, one must take into consideration that it is natural for humans to stereotype one another, and the image projected is often taken at face …show more content…
The physical and social setting should always be taken into consideration. For example, one would not want to make the mistake of interpreting someone’s crossed arms as defensiveness when they are outside in the winter with no jacket on (although, of course, they could be cold and defensive at the same time). In addition, it is always best to ensure a match between verbal and nonverbal communication. For instance, if one wants to convey an air of calm trustworthiness, folding one’s arms and glaring would not effectively portray this attitude. Arms comfortable at the side, with an attentive gaze, nodding in acknowledgement, would be far better in this situation.
One must also recognize the impact that status and power have on communication. Someone in a position of power has to be careful about coming across as dismissive or uncaring. It is also important to remember to observe nonverbal cues as a whole, rather than individually. People give off numerous nonverbal signals in every personal conversation they have, and these all need to be taken into consideration when evaluating the sender’s message. Nonverbal communication plays an integral role in the overall communication strategies of humans, and being cognizant of this fact can give one the upper edge in communicating in

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