Q1b) Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance There are three different categories of schools that exist to provide education. These categories are Maintained Schools‚ Independent Schools and Academies. Each category of school has its variations in how they are governed and the educational stages they cover. Firstly‚ there are the Maintained Schools which are funded by the Local Authority in which they are located. All
Free School types Education in England
There are different types of schools in relation to education stages and they may be governed differently. The different types of schools in relation to educational stages are: Nursery Schools: For 3-4 year olds. They are independent from any primary school and have their own staff and head teacher. Nursery Classes: For 3-4 year olds. Are linked to a primary school and share the same staff and head teacher. Primary Schools: For 4-11 year olds. They follow key stage 1 and 2 of the national
Free School types School Educational stages
Explain the characteristics of the different types of school in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance. Community schools These are run and owned by the local authority. The LEA (local education authority) employs the schools staff. They own the building and the land. The LEA deal with the admissions. The governors deal with the budget and the appoint or dismiss staff. Foundation and trust schools Foundation schools are run by their own governing body which determines the
Premium School types Local Education Authority
Education system in England is divided into three stages: Pre-compulsory‚ compulsory and post-compulsory. Compulsory education is broken down into 4 phases known as ‘key stages’. All teaching during the key stages is based on the National Curriculum; however schools in the independent sector may choose whether or not to follow this. (Tutorial‚ Laser Learning Ltd 2010‚ 17/01/2012‚ http://stonebridge.laserlearning.org/TCC_Template_1.aspx?ur=100429&ln=TDA32-1.1) Also‚ full-time education is compulsory
Premium School types Education in England
The different types of schools in relation to educational stages and school governance. The four main types of mainstream state schools that are funded by local authority are known as maintained schools. All children in England between the ages of five and 16 are entitled to a free place at a state school. Most go to state schools. Children normally start primary school at the age of four or five‚ but many schools now have a reception year for four year olds. Children normally leave at the age
Premium School types Education in England
1. Know the structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education. 1.2 Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance. Community schools are run and owned by the Local Authority‚ which may support the school through the local community and also by providing a support service. They will determine the admission policy‚ also‚ they will develop the use of school facilities by local groups for example.
Premium School types Education in England Local Education Authority
England between the ages of five and 16 are entitled to a free place at a state school. Most go to state schools. Children normally start primary school at the age of four or five‚ but many schools now have a reception year for four year olds. Children normally leave at the age of 11‚ moving on to secondary school. Most state schools admit both boys and girls‚ though some are single-sex. The four main types of state school all receive funding from local authorities. They all follow the National Curriculum
Free School types Education in England
T/601/3325 Unit Title: Schools as Organisations 1.2 Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance. The two schools I shall be discussing are Parkstone Grammar School‚ and Canford Heath Infant School. I have chosen these schools‚ as they are very different‚ not only in their age ranges but also in the processes in which they admit their students. Parkstone Grammar School is a selective all girls academy school in Poole‚ Dorset
Premium School Primary education High school
1.2 Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) & school governance. There are four types of mainstream schools that have to adhere to the national curriculum and are funded by the LEA (Local Education Authority). These are: Community schools. Are run by the local authority‚ which employs the staff and owns the building and/or the land and also decide on the admissions criteria. They promote strong links with the local community and may
Premium School types Education in England
at a state school. There are six different categories of schools. These are: 1. Community Schools Community schools are run by the local authority‚ which employs school staff‚ owns the land and buildings‚ and sets the entrance criteria (such as catchment area) that decide which children are eligible for a place). The local authority has primary responsibility for admissions. 2. Voluntary Aided Schools (Faith Schools) Voluntary aided schools can be different kinds of schools e.g. Faith
Free School types Education in England