
Why Romeo Is Responsible for the Tragedy or Romeo and Juliet

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Why Romeo Is Responsible for the Tragedy or Romeo and Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: Final Assessment- Who’s Most Responsible?
In the tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, there are a lot of key events and misfortunes that occur and change the course of the play. However, although some might say that Friar Lawrence is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, it is, in reality, because of Romeo’s impulsive, rash, and poor decision-making for why he is the most responsible for the tragedy.
Throughout the whole story, Friar Lawrence holds some responsibility for the tragedy of the couple like when he marries the two of them knowing that they have only known each other for a short time. However, after thinking about it, his intentions of marrying Romeo and Juliet were to bring the families together and he even warns Romeo that his decision may be too rash when he says, “These violent delights have violent ends.” (2.6, 9) The Friar warns Romeo that his rapidly growing emotional love for Juliet may have a sudden end meaning that maybe he should take the marriage slow; however, Romeo pushes on for the marriage to happen. Furthermore, when some say that Friar Lawrence is to blame for concocting the potion for Juliet, he had no other option do so. Juliet, very desperate and on the verge of suicide, forces Friar Lawrence to think of a plan for her saying, “Unless thou tell me how I may prevent it. If in thy wisdom thou canst give no help, do thou but call my resolution wise, and with this knife I’ll help it presently. (Shows him a knife)” (4.1, 52-55) Therefore, Friar Lawrence had to help Juliet out or else she would kill herself. He only helped her by giving more time to her life. Lastly, although the Friar’s plan of sending a letter to Romeo did not work, it is not completely his fault because the banishment of Romeo to Mantua is Romeo’s fault. There was nothing the Friar could do to prevent the plague from occurring in Mantua, and even if he had delivered the message to Romeo, himself, he may not have even been able to

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