
Why Is The South Responsible For The End Of Reconstruction

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Why Is The South Responsible For The End Of Reconstruction
Souths is Blinded by Hate

After the civil war there was a constant dispute between the north and the south. The north believed that since the south joined the union they should help them reconstruct. Notherners no only wanted to help them reconstruct but also help the slaves to be free. That’s how the Reconstruction began. During Reconstruction the south was very displeased that the norther people were coming in to their terrirtory to help the blacks. Sotherners believed that the blacks did not deserve to be free, so they ended the Reconstruction with violence. The south was responsible for the end of Reconstruction due to the creation of the KKK, the hate towards blacks, and giving blacks limited rights. The creation of the KKK was one of
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For many years the south used blacks as there slaves. Once the blacks started to get more right the south was fillied with angry. This is why why the south created the KKK. The blacks had just gotten there freedom and they were not going let any sotherners take it away from them. This caused the south to hate the blakcs even more. With all the new laws that came about blacks were now allowed to take any high postion jobs. The passage from( The Death of Reconstruction: Race, Labor, and Politics in the Post-Cibil War Noth, 1865-1901.) reinforces that blacks now have power to choose any job they wanted, thus angerying the south even more. A qoute that demostrates this is “The rising generation of … blacks nedded a period of probation and instruction; a period … long enough for thee black have forgotten something of his condition as a slave and learned much of the true method of gaining honorable subsistence and of preforming the duties of any postions to which he might aspire.”Southerners started to hate blacks more because they did not want them to get more rights and powers, they wanted them to be a powerless slave that works for

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