When the United States won the Revolutionary War and gained Independence from …show more content…
Her track record in the U.S navy is 33 to 0 as she won every battle without losing. The first task that was given to the Constitution was to cruise the Caribbean Sea and defend American ships during the “Quasi War” from 1798-1800. During the late 1700s French privateers began to capture merchant vessels heading to England for trade. The U.S.S Constitution and the other ships of the U.S Navy defended American merchants and hunted the French privateers. Therefore peace was arranged with the French. The Jefferson Administration sent U.S ships to the Mediterranean Sea, to defend American merchants again. However the threat was not the French but pirates at the North African Barbary Coast during the Barbary Wars. The bombardment of Tripoli soon led to Barbary Wars to come to an end with the U.S victorious, and at …show more content…
The Constitution's steering wheel is shot and destroyed, Commodore William Bainbridge is injured right after the two ships encounter. The two ships battle it out for nearly three hours until Java has no more mast, her captain dying and ship close to sinking the H.M.S Java surrenders. Java’s crew is taken prisoner and her steering wheel; is stolen to replace the one that was destroyed. On February 20, 1815 Captain Charles Stewart under the command of the Constitution encounters a British ship under escort by the H.M.S Levant and the H.M.S Cyane 180 miles west of Spain. The two British warships attack the Constitution and she is outmatched 2:1. Captain Stewart however doesn’t give up and attacks Cyane making her unable to fight. The Constitution then puts its attention back on Levant. She attacks Levant causing Levant to be disabled and sends a surprize crew on Levant and Cyane. With Levant and Cyane captured, all three ships try to escape a British fleet which is on its way. Levant is captured by the British but Cyane and the Constitution escape. Therefore, Cyane is put into the U.S Navy as the U.S.S Cyane. The U.S.S Constitution doesn’t see anymore action and doesn’t serve in anymore wars after the War of