Beginning in 1775, the United States, just starting to fight for its freedom, did not even have one central navy. By the end of 1815, the US had established its navy as one of the best and it was finally respected around the world. The United States would not have survived as a nation had the navy not been built up. It was a progression over 40 years with several wars and conflicts that led the Americans to have to develop naval power. Going into the Revolutionary War, there was more than just one American navy. There were state navies, navies run by the army, and privateers, who were people authorized by the government to attack and capture enemy ships during war times and profit off the takings. The Continental Navy, a central navy for the United States, was created in October, 1775 as the Revolutionary War was getting started. The Continental Navy had been created, but since building ships and vessels takes a long time, there was a limited number of ships that the government was able to buy that were ready to go for the war. They had to rely on converting merchant vessels into warships. Soon after the Continental Navy was …show more content…
The new ships that had been built for the Continental Navy did poorly in the war and the ships of the Royal Navy were easily able to outperform them. The converted merchant vessels actually were more successful than the new ships built. The privateers also were more successful than the new ships. The United States Congress approved 1,697 letters of marque, which give the right for a privateer to attack and capture an enemy’s boat. By the end of the war, US privateers caused about $66 million and over 2,200 ships lost or destroyed for the British. The Continental Navy had lost most of the 65 ships that attended the war, and the remaining ships were