To tell you more about chivalry, I’ll explain it’s origins. Chivalry was created in a time where people needed …show more content…
People say chivalry is sexist and takes away everything feminist stand for, that it makes women look weak and in of protection. They also say that chivalry gets confused with everyday things that sound be common manners.
However, feminist participate in chivalry to show that they acknowledge their differences but still want to be treated as equals. When a woman shows chivalry to a men being chivalr with her, it shows her strength, worth, and value. Strength and kindness are not opposites, as hard as that is to believe. If a women feels that she can and will jump in front of a bullet to save her man, who’s to say that’s not a chivalr and feminine thing to do?
As far as common manners goes, yes some people see kindness as manners and not chivalry. But there’s a difference in giving a homeless man $5 and building him a shelter. Chivalry is kindness. To be honest, fair and kind. Chivalry is also selfless. To be prepared to lay down your life for the people you want to protect. Regardless, people seem to forget that common courtesy, isn’t so common any more. In a dog-eat-dog world chivalry is need for the lap