
Chivalry In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Chivalry In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Is chivalry dead? This is a question that few people can answer because most do not know what chivalry is. Chivalry was ounce used by notable Knights in past centuries, but is now currently out of date. Loyalty, humility, and largesse are few of the many standards that fall under the code of chivalry, which has gone silent for quite some time.

Loyalty can be known as a commitment a person will take to show their worthiness. In "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," loyalty had been misused by Sir Gawain. Gawain had broken his promise to the king he had stayed with by not giving him the girdle the queen had given him. This action made Gawain un loyal because he broke the one rule the king had given him. A similar action takes place in the present day, in which an act of un loyalty can be made through marriage. Husbands or wives can break their vows by cheating on their spouse. Just like Gawain who had cheated his own way out of the castle. These two scenarios both show acts of breaking a commitment known as un loyalty, which defies chivalry.
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It is where one person allows others to prove their chivalrous deeds. In the story of Beowulf, this act did not happen, but the opposite. Beowulf had bragged repeatedly to the king and the people of the kingdom about his glorious battles and heroic self. This can also happen in the present day as well. During a Presidential Election for example, each candidate is trying to prove how much better they are to their opponent. That is why they campaign their best views or roles they have society, just as Beowulf was doing to win over the people. These actions defy chivalry by breaking the roles of

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