It is important that we have Theories of development because they help us to understand childrens behaviour and infulence practice that effects the way in which children learn.
CONSTRUCTIVIST- Looks at the way children are able to make sence of their world from ther experiences, this shows that children are active learners
Theroists- Jean Piaget- Lev Vygotsky
Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget was intrested in childrens cognative development, he became intrested in this behaviour after working on intelligeance tests on animals in a career as a zoooligist, he found that when children were asked questions that they very often gave similar wrong answers to some questions this …show more content…
Theorists- Albert Bandura (1925)
Albert Bandura 's theory accepts the concept ofconditioning but it also suggests that there is another type of learning that is taking place at the samre time this is learning by watching and imitating others.
Observational learning- this theory suggests that people can learn by observing and watching others, it is an intersesting theory, it is based on children that copy other children or adults behaviour. One of the points of this theory is that it is spontanious , children will natuarally learn by imitating rather than being shown or taught how to do somthing, it can occur without any reinforcement this is an important differance to conditioning.
Cognition seems to be an important factor in this theory, the child needs to be able to notice the activity and memorise it accuratly and to be able to imitate it, because of this Bandura has revised the name of the theory to be know as the social cognative theory.
Links to practice
By observing and imitating behaviours of those around them children will learn lots of social behaviours, staff are encouraged to act as good role models for the children (ie) being polite and respecting …show more content…
Freud suggested that as a baby the only factor of the three he described the child only has the ID this is why a baby cries until it is fed reguardless how tired the carer is or if any other child needs attention having the need met is known as gratification.
The Ego the ego has a planning role it is to work out how to meet the needs mentioned in the ID factor and also the best way to do this. It is said the ego develops from the ID in the first few months, A baby may learn to smile and by smiling they might find that they can get their needs tended to but in other situations the baby works out crying is the best option. The ego may wait for the ID to be met (ie) if the child snatches a toy from a friend then the toy is likely to be taken away and given back but if the child isatient and wait its turn then it will most likely be able to play with their chosen toy. The ego is often thought to as being the common sence part of our personality.
This is said to develop in later childhood and it is said to try and control the ego, It is made up of two