
The Pros And Cons Of Jim Crow Laws

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The Pros And Cons Of Jim Crow Laws
Beaten, fined, and intimidated. According to the constitution-- specifically amendment 13 and 15-- I am a Freedman. Although these are the documents the federal government stands by, the Jim Crow laws gives me less opportunity and puts me at a disadvantage compared to the average white man. Who is supposed to protect my right, protect my vote, and protect me as an individual when it is legal because of the Black Codes to segregate and oppress all blacks. There is not any place in America where I feel safe because these laws are nationwide. It is brazy how in the pledge of allegiance, we are “one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL”, but I can’t go to the same church as whites, the same school, drink from the same fountain, even sit on the same bus as them. We are definitely one nation! We are supposedly separate, but equal and at the same time one nation. If Abraham Lincoln was alive this would not be happening. I might as well be a slave again. …show more content…
To be specific, education, public accommodations, churches, and transportation were segregated, which means it was separated from blacks and whites. Even though the Constitution made all citizens of America equal, the Jim Crow laws stated the complete opposite. These laws made it legal to make citizens pay a fee to vote, only allow white people to vote in the primary party elections, intimidate people's votes, make citizens pass a logic and reading test to vote, and take away the votes of people whose grandfather's could not vote before the Civil War. Without Abraham Lincoln as president, there was no one to protect in fight for the rights of because most of the officials in government who were white racist. This led to many issues throughout the

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