The renowned author Ellen Hopkins never disappoints with her unique novels. Identical follows the lives of sixteen year old twins who battle their oncoming demons everyday. Kaeleigh is the perfect student and the perfect child. Yet ever since she was nine, her corrupt father has sexually abused her because of the absence of his wife, who is away campaigning for congress. Raeanne doesn’t want to come second in her father's eyes so she turns to drugs and sex to fill the void in her heart. This novel should be banned to young high school students because of the extent of drug use, the explicit and vivid sex and rape scenes, along with inappropriate relationships, and self harm. However, this is the best novel I have ever read. Hopkins wraps the reader into the realistic lives of the twins, which are about ready to shatter.…
Kendra found a knoble in her school that all her friends said looked hot. In trying to get rid of the noble Kendra and Seth (Kendras brother)came across a guy named Errole that helped them get the knoble out but in the process of doing this he wanted them to steal. The night Errole was going to take them to steal another thing there grandfather called to ask if they could stay the summer. After talking to their mom they decided to go and the grandpa sent Vanessa to get them. On the way to the grandpa's house Vanessa rescued them from a giant straw. When they got to the grampas house the grandpa told them that they were…
It was a chilly afternoon in Windrixville, Oklahoma when the abandoned church located atop of Jay Mountain mysteriously combusted into fire. Concurrently, the town’s local school were having a school trip close by Jay Mountain earlier that day, and five children were then reported missing. Amidst the whole incident, a trio of teenagers took notice of the missing children. Two of the teenagers, Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade, deliberately rushed into the burning building and fetched the kids. The remaining teen, named Dallas Winston, helped the children escape out of the window.…
The Clutters are just like any other family. There is the father, Mr. Herb Clutter, the mother, Mrs. Bonnie Clutter, a daughter, Nancy Clutter, and a son, Kenyon Clutter. The Clutter’s live in Holcomb, Kansas. They wake up on November 14, 1959 not knowing it will be their last day.…
* The girls extremely smart and can read well beyond her years and embarrasses the teacher…
After Alison and Tara ran off into the woods and relaxed by the lake. They both told each other stories that they have always wished would come true. They imagined those stories coming true by acting them out in an imaginary play scene. They sang “Kokomo at the top of [their] lungs over and over again” (Evans 39), wishing that they were somewhere else than at their grandmothers house. They would run off into the woods to get away from their grandmother Lydia, to get away from all the controlling rules and regulations that she has placed over the girls. However Lydia did not place harsh rules on Alison, which might be because Alison is the favorited granddaughter. After a while of the girls running off, Lydia finally had it. Lydia did not want the girls “disobeying her and running off” (Evans 40), anymore. So Lydia scared the girls by stating that “snakes are in the lake… [they] love water” (Evans 40). Lydia tells this little white lie so that she can manipulate the girls into thinking that the only safe place is to stay inside of that once luxurious house. However, Lydia’s little white lie spiraled into an occurrence of both day and night terrors for Tara. Tara could not sleep by herself anymore because of a night terror that caused her to toss and turn right off the top bunkbed and smack her head hard onto the solid cold floor. Startled, Alison was the one who ran to Tara’s side. When Lydia heard the loud…
The survivors seek refuge in China Town where they are tracked by police as well as “the Ghost” (because he doesn’t leave survivors). His right hand man goes to the police and reveals that he works under “the Ghost”…
Kildany's grandson died because they were very poor and he didn't get enough warmth. So, Kildany blamed Mr. Raven for her grandson's death because he did not care about their difficulties and he was demanding every month's rent.Then, Uncle Gard had to leave for a business trip and soon Nellie and Sam learned about strange things happening at Ravenscourt.They drew up a list of strange things were a red 13 was painted on the sign, the furnace kept breaking, rats were in the building and Bridget and Jenny were infected with chicken pox.Later, Aunt Cornelia received a phone call from her mother and she went to visit her in Connecticut.Mary and Gertrude were looking after the children in the absence of Aunt…
However, because John moved the cradle, Alan ended up telling the Miller, thinking it was John, about what he did with the daughter. Instantly, the Miller woke up and a fight ensued. The wife, thinking that it is both of the college boys fighting, picks up a club and knocks out the Miller. After, John and Alan finish beating him, and happily run out of the house. They find the stolen ground corn and meal at the location the daughter gave when Alan asked, and left the mill in an instant with no qualms on their mind, and their fulfilled sense of…
Wright, Eric. "Twins." 1990. Echoes 11: Fiction, Media, and Non-fiction. Comp. Francine Artichuk, Graham Foster, Janeen Werner-King, Diana Knight, Liz Orme, Kevin Reed, and Peter Weeks. Toronto: Oxford UP, 2001. 213-17. Print.…
He decided to stop and waited for the girls to get out of school. As the two girls, Alison and Hannah, walked home from school he followed them closely. Charlie spoke to Steven telling him “You should talk to them about their bad decisions and encourage them to never do it again.” Then he became Crimson who told him “Those girls need to learn a lesson! You need to punish them for their cruelty!” Steven had trouble keeping his thoughts straight and as the girls were getting closer to his home he became Crimson and decided to kidnap Alison and Hannah and hide them in an abandoned warehouse. Alison had waken up and realized that he was sitting in the entrance of the door. When Hannah finally gained consciousness, Steven approached them and told them “a creature is coming to get you because that is what you deserve!” The girls cried in terror. They were terrified because they didn't know nothing about the creature and what it might do to them or what it is. Hannah told Alison “we have to find a way out!” Allison responded “there is no way out...we are going to die if no one comes and rescues us.” The girls heard voices of men outside of the room. Suddenly Hannah noticed a keyhole that she could peek through to see who was talking outside. When she looked through the hole she was terribly confused because she only saw the same man and he was speaking in different tone of…
“The group of boys went missing, until a group of campers discovered bones buried in the forest near the cabin. As for the groundskeeper, he was never seen again. Campers have reported hearing a shovel scraping on the doors of their cabin. So make sure to keep your cabin locked at night, and don’t answer the door, or you may end up like the boys.”…
At one point in the book, two children Johnny age ten and Tyrone, eleven, drop a five year old boy named Eric Morse fourteen floors to his death over an altercation in which Eric refused to steal candy for them. LeAlan and Lloyd knew both the victim and the assailants, and thus began to investigate the crime and it's multiple causes. LeAlan and Lloyd…
Sara is Lauren's foster sister. The girls live with Lauren's Aunt Mel. Lauren is very jealous of Sara because she claims she grew up in a loving, picture-perfect household, unlike Lauren whose parents died in a timber mill accident. Sara is constantly sneaking out to meet older guys, which is another reason why Lauren is jealous of Sara. The girls are both seniors in high school and because of the old, traditional, boring town they have grown up in, they agree to help a girl, Roberta, in contacting the dead. Lauren, Sara and a few other girls, including Lauren's best friend, Ali, meet up at Lydia's house one Friday night when her parents aren't home. While proceeding with the seance, candles lit, lights turned off, Sara suddenly falls on top of the candles. Once the girls find the lamp in the never ending darkness, they discover that Sara is gone! It doesn't make sense to them. All of the windows are closed shut, doors locked and there is no Sara. The girls call the local sheriff and explain what happened. He comes up with the conclusion that one of the girls let her out and locked the door behind her. But who? Nobody will confess to it.…
They rode the train to Washington, and when they arrived, Ole, Hilda 's uncle, and Thora, her cousin was waiting for them. As soon as Hilda saw her cousin she felt embarrassed because of how she looked. She did not have on nice clothes like Thora. When they arrived at Thora 's house Hilda saw all the nice things they had, and wished she had them too. She was still excited though because she knew she was going to see her new home the next day; but, little did Hilda know that her new house was an old house with a dirty yard. When Hilda saw the house she became very sad. It took a lot of cooperation and patience, but they fixed up the house and made it look better. Hilda and John found out that they had a creek and a maple tree on their property. They all went on an adventure, and Lois got stung by nettles. They went so far into the woods that they got lost, and could barely find their way back home. Even though their new home was not what they wanted it to be, they were starting to get used to it. They liked the brook; the trees and they even found an old shack far back in the woods. Hilda said the maple tree belonged to her, and she believed the brook sang to her.…