Accountability is important and should not be taken lightly. So many reasons accountability is important. Knowing where your soldiers are at all times helps to know what they’re doing, and what their interest are doing so. In case something happens and someone needs to know where a soldier is accountability comes into play. A good leader should always have accountability for their soldiers but it starts on the lowest level. Anything to be ready and knowing the job that needs to be done. Accountability is more than just knowing your soldiers in formation. Accountability knows that your soldier’s physical, mental, and spiritual needs are accounted for and taken into consideration. So they can be more functional as a unit, team, and be mission ready. Accountability is an Army and nationwide thing from the highest officer, to the lowest enlisted soldier. If something bad happens and you’re not able to get into contact with one of your soldiers their life, and also your life can be at stake. Deploying overseas is an even bigger thing. You should always be accounted for while you’re overseas, and have a battle buddy. A lot of soldiers now, here, don’t like the fact or thought of a battle buddy, but we train how we fight, and when we deploy that battle buddy might be the one who save your life. Responsibility and accountability are two of the main factor in being a successful soldier in today's Army. Accountability is a very important part of an enlisted and a NCO's job. The enlisted soldier is responsible for all items issued to him or her whether it is a weaponing’s clothes, a vehicle, or TA-50. The NCO's responsibility is to make sure that the soldier is accountable for the items and has eyes on these items when needed, so that he or she can report it to his or her, higher command. Also includes the most important asset the army has spent millions to train and equip. the soldier him or herself.…
First a clear vision or mission for the organization this defines the foundation of the organization. Second, hired positive employee an individual with friendly smile, upbeat personality, handles conflict, and interact with others. Third, establish an open-door-policy be accessible to the staff, have one-on-one meeting listen to feedback both positive and negative. Fourth, communicate with the staff keep them inform on what is going on with the organization be honest with the staff about upcoming changes in the organization. Last recognized the staff accomplishment, and establish reward system for excellent performance, and thank an employee for a job well done. Encourage staff member to recruit potential employee. The employee will have a better feel of which he want to work with, and the goal is to promote a positive work environment (McFarlin, 2012).…
Employee accountability can be measured in several different ways. Press Ganey surveys allows patients the ability to raise concerns or praise good service by an employee. states, “As the complexity of health care escalates, the need to…
Accountability is an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for ones actions. Those that are unable to be accountable are the ones that jeopardize the combat readiness of any unit. It is the understanding that everyone is going to do and is willing to do the right thing even when no one else is looking. Everyone is assigned tasks and details not only including your own job that you are expected to do and do right but hold others accountable as well as a system of “check yourself, than check your buddy.” Doing the job correctly and ensuring others do it as well and do it safely are all part of accountability in the military as it can be dangerous given the types of equipment and tools we use. As an example any tools and or equipment left unsupervised can be lost and or stolen. As such in that event if the tools and or equipment was left out instead of signed out the wrong person becomes accountable. Everyone is accountable for their actions. You should always act responsibly as well, not just yourself but everyone. We spend thousands of dollars for each person to be trained and when ready, the expectation at your permanent party duty station is that you are going to be accountable for your actions and you as an individual operate and, that everyone around you is going to do the same. It is what is not only taught but it is what’s expected from everyone. Being accountable means being dependable, showing up to work and to appointments on time, meeting deadlines, being at the right place and at the right time and doing the right thing at the right time. It is also to see if everyone showed up to work or where they are supposed to be. Accountability is not only for keeping track of other people it can also be for keeping track of money, gear, legal documents, and many other things. The reason you would want to keep track of any of this is so if there is ever a time where a lot of equipment or other items goes missing you would be able to look…
Accountability in the military has to be one of the most important things to keep track of in the military. Always knowing where your Marines, tools, equipment, etc. are vital to mission completion.…
The U.S. army values soldiers that are accountable for their actions. Being accountable means being…
As a Medical Officer of the US Air Force, one is expected to be professional and ethical enough to make decisions that positively impact on his or her department to the extent that he/she can be accountable for actions or consequences that arise as a result of their decisions or choices. In the true essence of the word, accountability comes in where an individual is under the obligation to justify their choice of actions to an interested party, in this case the US Air Force. As a medical professional within the air force, one is free to choose but never free from the consequences of his or her choice.…
The dictionary defines punctual as: Acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed; prompt. Under the rigid and disciplined structure of military life there is no margin for error. The slightest modicum of hesitation or procrastination can result in the tragic loss of innumerable lives. There are many circumstances where a failure to be prompt could have dire consequences. Under certain circumstances not arriving for guard duty at the designated time could allow a breach of security that could ultimately end in the brutal murder of your peacefully slumbering, unsuspecting battle buddies at the zealous hands of our insurgent foes. Choosing an example from a different segment of the spectrum of responsibility, we see how a noncommissioned officers failure to release his soldiers in a timely manner can affect the combat effectiveness of the entire unit. If this leaders long windedness results in a soldier consistently being released to go on shift without enough time to eat, the soldier may resort to eating junk food to prevent his stomach from reaching a painful, distended state. Over time these seemingly minor indiscretions on the part of this non commissioned officer could culminate in the sum total of a malnourished, ineffectual soldier. Keeping in mind that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, the callused behavior of one leader can exponentially reduce the combat readiness of an entire unit.…
Accountability….What does it mean? Well this past month e lost two soldiers who are a part of our unit and voice of our unit pass away. Accountability is important and should not be taken lightly… A soldier lost his life a couple weeks ago, due to lack of accountability, and it hurt a lot of people. For so many reasons accountability is important, for example. Knowing where your soldiers are at all times helps to know what they’re doing, and what their interest are doing so. In case something happens and someone needs t know where a soldier is accountability comes into play. Army Regulation 600-20 IAW Discipline. Why is discipline so important? Because to be accounted for is a part of disciplinary actions, and a part of being a professional and a soldier is by living the army values none more overpowering then the other. So yes Discipline along with the other Army Values is very important.…
What is accountability? The dictionary definition states: The obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, or funds. In the military this goes double true for soldiers, accountability is one of the most important responsibility any soldier can perform. Accountability is a valuable part of military life. We as soldiers are accountable for every action we take and every decision we make. To be an effective soldier you must understand the power of accepting responsibility for the results you create. There isn't much asked of soldier, be in the right uniform a, be at your place of duty at the right time and maintaining accountibility of your senseitive items. Leaders take notice whether or not their soldiers can preform these three simple tasks, it shows them which soldiers can can be trusted to do the right thing without the leader having to check up on their soldiers,allowing them to preform the tasks that they need to.…
Accountability in the army is important because soldiers as well as equipment, ammunition, food, water and other various supplies are vital to the operation and proper function of the army as a whole. To start with, soldiers must be accounted for because they are the responsibility of their team leader, squad leader, platoon sergeant, and so on. If you don't have accountability of soldiers then when you attempt to conduct a mission you may not have all the soldiers you should have and that could cost you not only failing your mission but your life and the lives of the soldiers with you. Having accountability of each and every soldier at all times lets the leadership know how many soldiers they can spare for various details and still continue with the mission at hand. Another thing that is very important to keep accountability on is equipment. If your soldiers don't have the equipment they need or the equipment they were issued then it could cause a major problem in the mission possibly causing you to fail the mission and lose lives of your soldiers for not having proper equipment. Not only is accountability of equipment highly important but making sure all the equipment works how it is designed and intended to be used. Accountability of ammunition is important as well, if you are on a mission and not all of your soldiers have ammunition then it could cost the mission and lives. Keeping accountability of your soldiers, your soldiers equipment status, and ammunition status are very important to completing a mission successfully without any problems. Also keeping track of soldiers equipment as well as ammunition can help save the army funds to put to better use to help soldiers with retirement, their benefits, various programs and classes. Another thing in the army to keep accountability on is food, it is the most important thing to accomplishing a mission successfully. If a soldier hasn't been able to eat for days because leaderships lack of accountability of food it…
Accountability is defined by department of defense as the obligation imposed by a law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping an accurate record of government property, documents or funds. The numerical end product of personnel accountability process reflects the combat power of a unit.…
Accountability is normally viewed as being responsible, giving an explanation of your actions, to somebody for something. When you take 100 percent responsibility for holding yourself accountable, your performance will improve, your relationships will thrive, people’s respect for you will increase, you will be a great example for others to follow, and your self-esteem will grow. How is it that in all these areas of your life you can see such dramatic improvement? Because when you hold yourself accountable to doing the things you know you should do, you will distinguish yourself from the crowd. I am convinced if you want to advance your life personally or professionally, you must hold yourself accountable for your actions, responsibilities, and goals. Think about it. Why should it be someone else’s job to make sure you are doing the things that you know you should to be doing? When someone has to hold me accountable, because I failed to do what I should have done, I have a serious conversation with myself. My belief is that no one should have to hold me accountable for my actions, responsibilities and goals. While I appreciate others helping me get better, I am the one that must hold myself to a higher standard than my peers. Make no mistake about it. You cannot achieve any worthwhile personal or professional goal, if you don’t hold yourself accountable. The reason is simple. It’s your life! If you have to be held accountable at work, don’t expect to be promoted or to experience any type of significant career advancement. If you have to be held accountable at home by your parents, roommate or spouse, it will grow old fast and your relationships will deteriorate. Holding yourself accountable is nothing more than following through with YOUR commitments and responsibilities. It’s doing what YOU know YOU should do, when YOU should it. Whether you are 15 years old or 60 years old, let today be the day that you make the commitment to yourself that you will NEVER…
Responsibility and accountability go hand in hand in everyday life and situations that may occur. How would someone use responsibility and accountability in life? There are multiple ways you could use either of the two. Apart of growing and becoming a mature adult is learning responsibility as well as accountability.…
The main reason for this essay is because I did not follow out proper orders and was not at the correct place of duty for PT/Accountability formation at the correct time. Although there was a miscommunication, granted on my half, there is still no excuse for me to miss a formation. I want to be an excellent soldier and I want to excel in the military. The first step I need to put into action is always making sure I am at the appropriate place of duty at the correct time or preferably with time to spare. This is a simple task that is easy and painless to ensure, and it will be accomplished.…