
The Cycle Of Sin In The Book Of Judges By Boadt

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The Cycle Of Sin In The Book Of Judges By Boadt
The book of Judges is part of a collection of books that the Jewish tradition labels as Former Prophets, whereas the Christian tradition labels them as Historical books. This book narrates the conquest efforts of the people of ancient Israel, who struggled to maintain their fidelity and devotion to the one true God. The book recounts the tale of twelve “judges,” who were truly military leaders. Six are considered “minor judges” because of their negligible role. The other six were “major judges” because of their significant role in ancient Israel's mission towards land infiltration. Boadt explained that “Because of their recognized authority as war leaders, the chiefs also exercised power in legal disputes between tribes and in political squabbles.” (167)
The book of Judges is a significant book for several reasons, particularly because of a dynamic that is detailed there and that has been called the “Judges' Cycle.” This refers to the cycle of sin that Israel experienced during the “period of the judges [which] represented a spirit of compromise with the pagan culture of the land” (Boadt, 168); a cycle that is present throughout the book. This sin cycle is a continuous pattern consisting of five moments: “(1) apostasy; (2) punishment; (3) cry and response; (4) deliverance (by a “judge” or leader); and (5)
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We read about the cry and response in verses 7-10, “When Israel cried out to the LORD because of Midian, he sent a prophet to the Israelites...” and, through this prophet, the Lord reminded them of all that He had said and done. The second part of this response to their cry is found in verses 11-18, when an angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and said, “Go with the strength you have and save Israel from the power of Midian. It is I who send you.” (vs 14) [This reminds us of God's words to Moses in Exodus 3:14 - “I am who I am.... tell the Israelites, 'I AM sent me to

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