Assessment lies at the heart of the learning experience, how learners are assessed shapes their understanding of the curriculum and determines their ability to progress. At the same time, assessment and feedback form a significant part of practitioners' workloads and, with increased numbers, reduced budgets and higher learner expectations, continue to be a matter of concern for many institutions delivering higher education. Technology can support nearly every aspect of assessment in one way or another, from the administration of individual tests and assignments to the management of assessment across a faculty or institution; from automatically marked on-screen tests to tools to support human marking and feedback. Clearly, though, for technology-enhanced assessment to be effective, pedagogically sound developments need to be supported by robust and appropriate technology, within a supportive institutional or departmental context. Technology can be used to enhance the assessment process in the following : Video evidence of skills/performance
Video technology introduces a number of advantages to the assessment process. Video can be used to provide standardized content for candidates to respond to including video shot in the field that provides material that would otherwise be difficult to recreate for each candidate during the assessment process (e.g. major emergency incidents). Also, video is often used to capture the candidate’s responses for later scoring and to create a record of candidate performance that can be used to enhance candidate feedback and career development.
Some video-based programs use video for both the stimulus material and for recording the candidates’ responses for later scoring. Recording of oral evidence
The use of recorded oral evidence in assessment process is a technology that adds value to assessment and feedback: Speed and ease of data